Usage of mdocml without less causes error
───── doas apk add man ~/u/s/aports (iptables)
(1/2) Installing mdocml (1.14.5-r2)
(2/2) Installing man (1.14.5-r2)
Executing busybox-1.31.1-r14.trigger
OK: 3432 MiB in 747 packages
───── man getenv ~/u/s/aports (iptables)
less: unrecognized option: T
BusyBox v1.31.1 () multi-call binary.
Usage: less [-EFIMmNSRh~] [FILE]...
View FILE (or stdin) one screenful at a time
-E Quit once the end of a file is reached
-F Quit if entire file fits on first screen
-I Ignore case in all searches
-M,-m Display status line with line numbers
and percentage through the file
-N Prefix line number to each line
-S Truncate long lines
-R Remove color escape codes in input
-~ Suppress ~s displayed past EOF