lxcfs depends on cgmanager
Is there a specific reason why lxcfs still depends on cgmanager.
According to the https://linuxcontainers.org/ site cgamanger is deprecated with:
"CGManager was used by default with LXC in Ubuntu since April 2014 and then by other distributions as they started needing working unprivileged containers.
It has now been deprecated in favor of the CGroup namespace in recent Linux kernels. On older kernels, LXCFS still offers a cgroupfs emulation that can be used instead of cgmanager and is more widely compatible with existing userspace."
I have tried running the alpine lxcfs package with cgmanager disabled (by commenting out line https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/community/lxcfs/lxcfs.initd#n18) and it works fine.
I wondered if this could be removed as dependency on lxcfs?