From f7da569879acb7cf7bc9c1ba127e5da95324c8f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LN Liberda <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:43:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] testing/wayprompt: rebuild with zig 0.14

 .../0001-build-update-to-Zig-0.14.0.patch     | 326 ++++++++++++++++++
 testing/wayprompt/APKBUILD                    |   9 +-
 2 files changed, 332 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 testing/wayprompt/0001-build-update-to-Zig-0.14.0.patch

diff --git a/testing/wayprompt/0001-build-update-to-Zig-0.14.0.patch b/testing/wayprompt/0001-build-update-to-Zig-0.14.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a6679a4d5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/wayprompt/0001-build-update-to-Zig-0.14.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+From 5c972303d25f8452d65632c813f16e74183e7442 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: LN Liberda <>
+Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:13:20 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] build: update to Zig 0.14.0
+ build.zig                  | 16 +++++++--------
+ build.zig.zon              | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ src/Config.zig             |  9 ++++----
+ src/SecretBuffer.zig       |  4 ++--
+ src/Wayland.zig            | 28 ++++++++++++-------------
+ src/wayprompt-pinentry.zig |  2 +-
+ 6 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/build.zig b/build.zig
+index d5e155e..3501960 100644
+--- a/build.zig
++++ b/build.zig
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
+ const fs = std.fs;
+ const mem = std.mem;
+-const Scanner = @import("zig-wayland").Scanner;
++const Scanner = @import("wayland").Scanner;
+ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
+     const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
+     const llvm = !(b.option(bool, "no-llvm", "(expirimental) Use non-LLVM x86 Zig backend") orelse false);
+     const scanner = Scanner.create(b, .{});
+-    scanner.addCustomProtocol("protocol/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml");
++    scanner.addCustomProtocol(b.path("protocol/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml"));
+     scanner.addSystemProtocol("stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml"); // Dependency of layer-shell.
+     scanner.addSystemProtocol("staging/cursor-shape/cursor-shape-v1.xml");
+     scanner.addSystemProtocol("unstable/tablet/tablet-unstable-v2.xml"); // Dependency of cursor-shape.
+@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
+     scanner.generate("wl_output", 4);
+     const wayland = b.createModule(.{ .root_source_file = scanner.result });
+-    const xkbcommon = b.dependency("zig-xkbcommon", .{}).module("xkbcommon");
+-    const pixman = b.dependency("zig-pixman", .{}).module("pixman");
+-    const spoon = b.dependency("zig-spoon", .{}).module("spoon");
+-    const fcft = b.dependency("zig-fcft", .{}).module("fcft");
+-    const ini = b.dependency("zig-ini", .{}).module("ini");
++    const xkbcommon = b.dependency("xkbcommon", .{}).module("xkbcommon");
++    const pixman = b.dependency("pixman", .{}).module("pixman");
++    const spoon = b.dependency("spoon", .{}).module("spoon");
++    const fcft = b.dependency("fcft", .{}).module("fcft");
++    const ini = b.dependency("ini", .{}).module("ini");
+     const wayprompt_cli = b.addExecutable(.{
+         .name = "wayprompt",
+@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
+     wayprompt_cli.root_module.addImport("wayland", wayland);
+     wayprompt_cli.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-client");
+     wayprompt_cli.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-cursor");
+-    scanner.addCSource(wayprompt_cli);
+     wayprompt_cli.root_module.addImport("ini", ini);
+     wayprompt_cli.root_module.addImport("fcft", fcft);
+     wayprompt_cli.linkSystemLibrary("fcft");
+@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
+     wayprompt_pinentry.root_module.addImport("wayland", wayland);
+     wayprompt_pinentry.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-client");
+     wayprompt_pinentry.linkSystemLibrary("wayland-cursor");
+-    scanner.addCSource(wayprompt_pinentry);
+     wayprompt_pinentry.root_module.addImport("ini", ini);
+     wayprompt_pinentry.root_module.addImport("fcft", fcft);
+     wayprompt_pinentry.linkSystemLibrary("fcft");
+diff --git a/build.zig.zon b/build.zig.zon
+index d1c0b83..ea435e4 100644
+--- a/build.zig.zon
++++ b/build.zig.zon
+@@ -1,31 +1,35 @@
+ .{
+-    .name = "wayprompt",
++    .name = .wayprompt,
+     .version = "0.2.0",
+     .paths = .{""},
+     .dependencies = .{
+-        .@"zig-ini" = .{
+-            .url = "",
+-            .hash = "12201bbf05e1fb73323a9b13d2599dc4bf82851e6d328d7523a1af5b861a87edf286",
++        .ini = .{
++            //
++            .url = "",
++            .hash = "ini-1.0.2-vBSBn_RmAACl2QUv14WHU5Q2bpKsXpr5hD1E5i7Tmjyl",
+         },
+-        .@"zig-spoon" = .{
+-            .url = "",
+-            .hash = "12202727aaaf0e742d4945be55af1ace8b25902095e0c1b0a24b70cc80a81b7ac518",
++        .spoon = .{
++            //
++            .url = "",
++            .hash = "spoon-0.1.0-jYZhgyOkAgAcVmy4HaMNShXHc18g0QUAJ_zTZNI6xvWK",
+         },
+-        .@"zig-pixman" = .{
+-            .url = "",
+-            .hash = "12209db20ce873af176138b76632931def33a10539387cba745db72933c43d274d56",
++        .pixman = .{
++            .url = "",
++            .hash = "pixman-0.3.0-LClMnz2VAAAs7QSCGwLimV5VUYx0JFnX5xWU6HwtMuDX",
+         },
+-        .@"zig-wayland" = .{
+-            .url = "",
+-            .hash = "1220687c8c47a48ba285d26a05600f8700d37fc637e223ced3aa8324f3650bf52242",
++        .wayland = .{
++            .url = "",
++            .hash = "wayland-0.3.0-lQa1kjPIAQDmhGYpY-zxiRzQJFHQ2VqhJkQLbKKdt5wl",
+         },
+-        .@"zig-xkbcommon" = .{
+-            .url = "",
+-            .hash = "1220c90b2228d65fd8427a837d31b0add83e9fade1dcfa539bb56fd06f1f8461605f",
++        .xkbcommon = .{
++            .url = "",
++            .hash = "xkbcommon-0.3.0-VDqIe3K9AQB2fG5ZeRcMC9i7kfrp5m2rWgLrmdNn9azr",
+         },
+-        .@"zig-fcft" = .{
+-            .url = "",
+-            .hash = "1220a4029ee3ee70d3175c69878e2b70dccd000c4324bc74ba800d8a143b7250fb38",
++        .fcft = .{
++            //
++            .url = "",
++            .hash = "fcft-1.0.0-zcx6C5EaAACt1GaWAjvr5c4QF3-_Ug5RA1-YbhYTpDd-",
+         },
+     },
++    .fingerprint = 0xc45742f410512433,
+ }
+diff --git a/src/Config.zig b/src/Config.zig
+index 7d24429..461bf18 100644
+--- a/src/Config.zig
++++ b/src/Config.zig
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const WaylandColours = struct {
+     cancel_button_text: pixman.Color = comptimePixmanColourFromRGB("0x000000"),
+     fn assign(self: *WaylandColours, path: []const u8, line: usize, variable: []const u8, value: []const u8) error{BadConfig}!bool {
+-        const info = @typeInfo(WaylandColours).Struct;
++        const info = @typeInfo(WaylandColours).@"struct";
+         inline for (info.fields) |field| {
+             if (fieldEql(, variable)) {
+                 debug.assert(@TypeOf(@field(self, == pixman.Color);
+@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ const WaylandUi = struct {
+     }
+     fn assign(self: *WaylandUi, alloc: mem.Allocator, path: []const u8, line: usize, variable: []const u8, value: []const u8) error{ BadConfig, OutOfMemory }!bool {
+-        const info = @typeInfo(WaylandUi).Struct;
++        const info = @typeInfo(WaylandUi).@"struct";
+         inline for (info.fields) |field| {
+             if (fieldEql(, variable)) {
+                 switch (@TypeOf(@field(self, {
+@@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ alloc: mem.Allocator,
+ /// as such they are provided by the gpg-agent.
+ /// Populated at runtime.
+ tty_name: ?[:0]const u8 = null,
+-wayland_display: ?[:0]const u8 = null,
++wayland_display: ?[]const u8 = null,
+ /// Frees all memory using provided allocator.
+ pub fn reset(self: *Config, alloc: mem.Allocator) void {
+     self.wayland_ui.reset(alloc);
+-    const info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(self.labels)).Struct;
++    const info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(self.labels)).@"struct";
+     inline for (info.fields) |field| {
+         if (@field(self.labels, |str| {
+             @field(self.labels, = null;
+@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ fn comptimePixmanColourFromRGB(hex: []const u8) pixman.Color {
+ }
+ fn pixmanColourFromRGB(hex: []const u8) !pixman.Color {
++    @setEvalBranchQuota(10_000);
+     if (hex.len != "0xRRGGBB".len and hex.len != "0xRRGGBBAA".len) return error.BadColour;
+     if (hex[0] != '0' or hex[1] != 'x') return error.BadColour;
+diff --git a/src/SecretBuffer.zig b/src/SecretBuffer.zig
+index d3955f6..1e39e6c 100644
+--- a/src/SecretBuffer.zig
++++ b/src/SecretBuffer.zig
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const unicode = std.unicode;
+ const Self = @This();
+-buffer: []align(mem.page_size) u8,
++buffer: []align(heap.page_size_min) u8,
+ fba: heap.FixedBufferAllocator,
+ str: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8),
+ len: usize,
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ len: usize,
+ extern fn mlock(addr: *const anyopaque, len: usize) c_int;
+ pub fn init(self: *Self, alloc: mem.Allocator) !void {
+-    self.buffer = try alloc.alignedAlloc(u8, mem.page_size, 1024);
++    self.buffer = try alloc.alignedAlloc(u8, heap.page_size_min, 1024);
+     self.fba = heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(self.buffer);
+     self.str = .{};
+     self.len = 0;
+diff --git a/src/Wayland.zig b/src/Wayland.zig
+index 7015054..359b62a 100644
+--- a/src/Wayland.zig
++++ b/src/Wayland.zig
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ const Seat = struct {
+     // Touch related objects.
+     wl_touch: ?*wl.Touch = null,
+-    touchpoints: std.TailQueue(TouchPoint) = .{},
++    touchpoints: std.DoublyLinkedList(TouchPoint) = .{},
+     pub fn init(self: *Seat, w: *Wayland, wl_seat: *wl.Seat) !void {
+         self.* = .{ .w = w, .wl_seat = wl_seat };
+@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ const Seat = struct {
+                 // generally is better UX. We have a list of
+                 // touchpoints instead of a single one so that we can
+                 // support multi-touch operation.
+-                const node = alloc.create(std.TailQueue(TouchPoint).Node) catch return;
++                const node = alloc.create(std.DoublyLinkedList(TouchPoint).Node) catch return;
+        = .{
+                     .id =,
+                     .hotspot = hotspot,
+@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ const Seat = struct {
+         }
+     }
+-    fn touchPointNodeFromId(seat: *Seat, id: i32) ?*std.TailQueue(TouchPoint).Node {
++    fn touchPointNodeFromId(seat: *Seat, id: i32) ?*std.DoublyLinkedList(TouchPoint).Node {
+         debug.assert(seat.wl_touch != null);
+         var it = seat.touchpoints.first;
+         while (it) |node| : (it = {
+@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ const BufferPool = struct {
+     /// The buffers. This is a linked list and not an array list, because we
+     /// need stable pointers for the listener of the wl_buffer object.
+-    buffers: std.TailQueue(Buffer) = .{},
++    buffers: std.DoublyLinkedList(Buffer) = .{},
+     /// Deinit the buffer pool, destroying all buffers and freeing all memory.
+     pub fn deinit(self: *BufferPool, alloc: mem.Allocator) void {
+@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ const BufferPool = struct {
+     fn findSuitableBuffer(self: *BufferPool, w: *Wayland, width: u31, height: u31) !?*Buffer {
+         var it = self.buffers.first;
+-        var first_unbusy_buffer_node: ?*std.TailQueue(Buffer).Node = null;
++        var first_unbusy_buffer_node: ?*std.DoublyLinkedList(Buffer).Node = null;
+         while (it) |node| : (it = {
+             if ( continue;
+             if ( == width and == height) {
+@@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ const BufferPool = struct {
+     fn newBuffer(self: *BufferPool, w: *Wayland, width: u31, height: u31) !*Buffer {
+         log.debug("New buffer: {}x{}", .{ width, height });
+         const alloc = w.config.alloc;
+-        const node = try alloc.create(std.TailQueue(Buffer).Node);
++        const node = try alloc.create(std.DoublyLinkedList(Buffer).Node);
+         errdefer alloc.destroy(node);
+         try, width, height);
+         self.buffers.append(node);
+@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ const BufferPool = struct {
+ const Buffer = struct {
+     wl_buffer: ?*wl.Buffer = null,
+     pixman_image: ?*pixman.Image = null,
+-    data: ?[]align(std.mem.page_size) u8 = null,
++    data: ?[]align(std.heap.page_size_min) u8 = null,
+     width: u31 = 0, // u31 can coerce to i32.
+     height: u31 = 0,
+     busy: bool = false,
+@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ layer_shell: ?*zwlr.LayerShellV1 = null,
+ cursor_shape_manager: ?*wp.CursorShapeManagerV1 = null,
+ compositor: ?*wl.Compositor = null,
+ shm: ?*wl.Shm = null,
+-seats: std.TailQueue(Seat) = .{},
++seats: std.DoublyLinkedList(Seat) = .{},
+ buffer_pool: BufferPool = .{},
+ surface: ?Surface = null,
+@@ -1699,27 +1699,27 @@ fn abort(self: *Wayland, reason: anyerror) void {
+ fn registryListener(registry: *wl.Registry, event: wl.Registry.Event, self: *Wayland) void {
+     switch (event) {
+         .global => |ev| {
+-            if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, zwlr.LayerShellV1.getInterface().name) == .eq) {
++            if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, == .eq) {
+                 self.layer_shell = registry.bind(, zwlr.LayerShellV1, 4) catch {
+                     self.abort(error.OutOfMemory);
+                     return;
+                 };
+-            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, wp.CursorShapeManagerV1.getInterface().name) == .eq) {
++            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, == .eq) {
+                 self.cursor_shape_manager = registry.bind(, wp.CursorShapeManagerV1, 1) catch {
+                     self.abort(error.OutOfMemory);
+                     return;
+                 };
+-            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, wl.Compositor.getInterface().name) == .eq) {
++            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, == .eq) {
+                 self.compositor = registry.bind(, wl.Compositor, 4) catch {
+                     self.abort(error.OutOfMemory);
+                     return;
+                 };
+-            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, wl.Shm.getInterface().name) == .eq) {
++            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, == .eq) {
+                 self.shm = registry.bind(, wl.Shm, 1) catch {
+                     self.abort(error.OutOfMemory);
+                     return;
+                 };
+-            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, wl.Seat.getInterface().name) == .eq) {
++            } else if (mem.orderZ(u8, ev.interface, == .eq) {
+                 const seat = registry.bind(, wl.Seat, 1) catch {
+                     self.abort(error.OutOfMemory);
+                     return;
+@@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ fn registryListener(registry: *wl.Registry, event: wl.Registry.Event, self: *Way
+ }
+ fn addSeat(self: *Wayland, wl_seat: *wl.Seat) !void {
+-    const node = try self.config.alloc.create(std.TailQueue(Seat).Node);
++    const node = try self.config.alloc.create(std.DoublyLinkedList(Seat).Node);
+     try, wl_seat);
+     self.seats.append(node);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/wayprompt-pinentry.zig b/src/wayprompt-pinentry.zig
+index 305636e..b84f039 100644
+--- a/src/wayprompt-pinentry.zig
++++ b/src/wayprompt-pinentry.zig
+@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ fn parseInput(writer: io.BufferedWriter(4096, fs.File.Writer).Writer, line: []co
+     if (mode != .none) return;
+     const alloc = gpa.allocator();
+-    var it = mem.tokenize(u8, line, &ascii.whitespace);
++    var it = mem.tokenizeSequence(u8, line, &ascii.whitespace);
+     const command = orelse return;
+     if (ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(command, "settitle")) {
+         try setString(writer, "title", line["settitle".len..]);
diff --git a/testing/wayprompt/APKBUILD b/testing/wayprompt/APKBUILD
index 635e6955155d..d8c07f9e9200 100644
--- a/testing/wayprompt/APKBUILD
+++ b/testing/wayprompt/APKBUILD
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Maintainer: Maarten van Gompel <>
 pkgdesc="multi-purpose prompt tool for Wayland "
 # aarch64: failing on the package builder, connection issues
@@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ makedepends="
+	$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::$pkgver.tar.gz
+	0001-build-update-to-Zig-0.14.0.patch
+	"
 # !check: no test suite
 # net: downloads dependencies defined in build.zig.zon
@@ -37,4 +39,5 @@ package() {
 b9599b25bc83ed2fc5da4573a2bf687ccb856cb9a16ee5e2946668c252264743a5b5b67813115b1240e0bb7e4ca89ac24f7a84bc9aaee25482c2ee787e127f0e  wayprompt-0.1.2.tar.gz
+f1e019369be74d2f7b017d9194ecf201036acadff2e6ac8cb81ce321085d7dcf25478d7ec84fcb9200da880bd010bf567be8b39b24a5a3b4a4256ba57ad0c9ea  0001-build-update-to-Zig-0.14.0.patch