diff --git a/main/alpine-conf/0001-setup-sshd-Ask-for-authorized-key-for-root.patch b/main/alpine-conf/0001-setup-sshd-Ask-for-authorized-key-for-root.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1551e69e372176bf5af21b902c751283b64c1fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/alpine-conf/0001-setup-sshd-Ask-for-authorized-key-for-root.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From 4c6ddb022367965dc7475e8bee762734c3262107 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lukas Bestle <mail@lukasbestle.com>
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2021 21:36:26 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] setup-sshd: Ask for authorized key for root
+Fixes #10459.
+ setup-sshd.in | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/setup-sshd.in b/setup-sshd.in
+index 67cb8a0..caf8f1c 100644
+--- a/setup-sshd.in
++++ b/setup-sshd.in
+@@ -6,21 +6,23 @@ PREFIX=
+ usage() {
+ 	cat <<-__EOF__
+-		usage: setup-sshd [-h] [-c choice of SSH daemon]
++		usage: setup-sshd [-h] [-c choice of SSH daemon] [-k authorized key]
+ 		Setup sshd daemon
+ 		options:
+ 		 -h  Show this help
+ 		 -c  Choice of SSH daemon: openssh dropbear none
++		 -k  Authorized key for root (HTTP(S)/FTP URL, the public key itself or 'none')
+ 	__EOF__
+ 	exit 1
+ }
+-while getopts "hc:" opt; do
++while getopts "hc:k:" opt; do
+ 	case $opt in
+ 		h) usage;;
+ 		c) sshdchoice="$OPTARG";;
++		k) authorized_key="$OPTARG";;
+ 	esac
+ done
+@@ -50,3 +52,22 @@ if [ -n "$svc" ]; then
+ 	rc-update add $svc default
+ 	rc-service $svc start
+ fi
++if [ -z "$authorized_key" ]; then
++	ask "Authorized SSH public key for root? (HTTP(S)/FTP URL or the public key itself)" none
++	authorized_key="$resp"
++if [ -n "$authorized_key" -a "$authorized_key" != "none" ]; then
++	# if the argument is an HTTP(S)/FTP URL, try to fetch the file contents
++	if [ -z "$(echo "$authorized_key" | sed -E 's~^(https?|ftp)://.+$~~')" ]; then
++		key_url="$authorized_key"
++		authorized_key="$(wget -qO- "$key_url")" || die "Could not fetch key from '$key_url'"
++		echo "Received authorized SSH key from '$key_url':"
++		echo "$authorized_key"
++	fi
++	mkdir -p ${ROOT}/root/.ssh
++	echo "$authorized_key" >> ${ROOT}/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
diff --git a/main/alpine-conf/0002-setup-sshd-use-SSH_KEY-instead-of-prompt-user.patch b/main/alpine-conf/0002-setup-sshd-use-SSH_KEY-instead-of-prompt-user.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2db026b86994efc6da312aebeb2eb4e4847a8cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/alpine-conf/0002-setup-sshd-use-SSH_KEY-instead-of-prompt-user.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+From ee3be974167b62f91c2e4b9f64f05fa91ebcba15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
+Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 12:45:44 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] setup-sshd: use SSH_KEY instead of prompt user
+Do not ask user for ssh key, but support the use of SSH_KEY env var.
+ setup-sshd.in | 20 +++++++-------------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/setup-sshd.in b/setup-sshd.in
+index caf8f1c..271ad79 100644
+--- a/setup-sshd.in
++++ b/setup-sshd.in
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ usage() {
+ 	exit 1
+ }
+ while getopts "hc:k:" opt; do
+ 	case $opt in
+ 		h) usage;;
+@@ -53,21 +54,14 @@ if [ -n "$svc" ]; then
+ 	rc-service $svc start
+ fi
+-if [ -z "$authorized_key" ]; then
+-	ask "Authorized SSH public key for root? (HTTP(S)/FTP URL or the public key itself)" none
+-	authorized_key="$resp"
+ if [ -n "$authorized_key" -a "$authorized_key" != "none" ]; then
+ 	# if the argument is an HTTP(S)/FTP URL, try to fetch the file contents
+-	if [ -z "$(echo "$authorized_key" | sed -E 's~^(https?|ftp)://.+$~~')" ]; then
+-		key_url="$authorized_key"
+-		authorized_key="$(wget -qO- "$key_url")" || die "Could not fetch key from '$key_url'"
+-		echo "Received authorized SSH key from '$key_url':"
+-		echo "$authorized_key"
+-	fi
++	case "$authorized_key" in
++		http*://*|ftp://)
++			key_url="$authorized_key"
++			authorized_key="$(wget -qO- "$key_url")" || die "Could not fetch key from '$key_url'"
++			;;
++	esac
+ 	mkdir -p ${ROOT}/root/.ssh
+ 	echo "$authorized_key" >> ${ROOT}/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ fi
diff --git a/main/alpine-conf/APKBUILD b/main/alpine-conf/APKBUILD
index 435aa2bf9dda09a15aaf3d2f176862200e3b205a..4eeefbcd312ae97c0a40c4d28333f17b31337fa8 100644
--- a/main/alpine-conf/APKBUILD
+++ b/main/alpine-conf/APKBUILD
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Maintainer: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
 pkgdesc="Alpine configuration management scripts"
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ license="MIT"
 depends="openrc>=0.24.1-r6 busybox>=1.26.1-r3"
+	0001-setup-sshd-Ask-for-authorized-key-for-root.patch
+	0002-setup-sshd-use-SSH_KEY-instead-of-prompt-user.patch
@@ -28,4 +30,6 @@ package() {
 467078896f8452afb83e61b3838887f5f2e5a6725108ee4fc1ae7463ae7f452c1a2eef1071f47a6ecbfd1b773d8acf548fe1faf5927dbef294fbcfa1a3c251d7  alpine-conf-3.13.0_rc2.tar.gz
 6a7a1528ee1e8868f3f4fe3aaac01569fd8cf47a10fcd2065bce2159e8945cd7627d0af31c99afff5efd9c9b433c09f3a212372dde204c6e6fd098694dfc8113  0001-setup-disk-enable-password-verification-in-luksForma.patch
+e3e358a988ee3b97874b46acc37d24d519b4165e97a8fdcd14e1b47ebe6b5b7057918f30ce503d5c8387ec0c75e596b6974cf4b5d9e151bbbbe2b0c5e22dfd9e  0001-setup-sshd-Ask-for-authorized-key-for-root.patch
+bec6ed65f325ee3abc3635454bd5dcfe2ec53745dfcbf61ef7fa38f432c2d1d4bd1dde8cd85c3290cf175952dd144bdc26bb6229d4a784b82c941dd168014d0a  0002-setup-sshd-use-SSH_KEY-instead-of-prompt-user.patch