From 8bfc16e755bbc487e386f3ed25db89f9f75caf88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: psykose <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2023 05:53:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] testing/kopano*: remove

these depend on php7, which is removed in the previous commit

see #14409

upgrade was requested, no progress in over a year: #13471

we can't keep around php7 forever, and it is EOL.

closes #13471
 ...-python-Use-libmdbx-instead-of-bsddb.patch | 228 -----------
 testing/kopano-core/0002-provider.patch       |  20 -
 ...ner-and-group-of-spamd-ham_dir-spam_.patch |  28 --
 ...end-on-libldap-not-libldap_r-doesn-t.patch |  26 --
 testing/kopano-core/APKBUILD                  | 368 ------------------
 .../fix-build-with-musl-1.2.3.patch           |  11 -
 testing/kopano-core/fix-icu-70-1.patch        |  13 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-core.pre-install   |  15 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-dagent.initd       |  12 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-gateway.initd      |   8 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-ical.initd         |   8 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-monitor.initd      |   8 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-search.initd       |  12 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.conf        |   1 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.initd       |  12 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-spamd.initd        |   8 -
 testing/kopano-core/kopano-spooler.initd      |   8 -
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 112 ------
 testing/kopano-webapp-fetchmail/APKBUILD      | 109 ------
 testing/kopano-webapp-filepreviewer/APKBUILD  | 109 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 110 ------
 .../kopano-webapp-files-backend-smb/APKBUILD  | 110 ------
 testing/kopano-webapp-files/APKBUILD          | 119 ------
 .../kopano-webapp-files.ini                   |   2 -
 testing/kopano-webapp-intranet/APKBUILD       | 110 ------
 testing/kopano-webapp-mdm/APKBUILD            | 114 ------
 testing/kopano-webapp-smime/APKBUILD          | 112 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 109 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 113 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 113 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 113 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 109 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 109 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 109 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 113 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 113 ------
 .../APKBUILD                                  | 113 ------
 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/APKBUILD   | 111 ------
 .../kopano-webapp-spellchecker.ini            |   1 -
 ...ix-fatal-errors-in-translation-files.patch |  42 --
 testing/kopano-webapp/APKBUILD                | 242 ------------
 testing/kopano-webapp/compress-static         |  38 --
 testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.conf      |  32 --
 testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.ini       |   3 -
 .../kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.pre-install   |   7 -
 testing/kopano-webapp/nginx-location.conf     |  43 --
 testing/kopano-webapp/php-fpm.example.conf    |   6 -
 47 files changed, 3432 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/0001-python-Use-libmdbx-instead-of-bsddb.patch
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/0002-provider.patch
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/0003-spamd-Correct-owner-and-group-of-spamd-ham_dir-spam_.patch
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/fix-build-with-musl-1.2.3.patch
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/fix-icu-70-1.patch
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-core.pre-install
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-dagent.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-gateway.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-ical.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-monitor.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-search.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.conf
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-spamd.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-core/kopano-spooler.initd
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-desktopnotifications/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-fetchmail/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-filepreviewer/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-owncloud/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-smb/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-files/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-files/kopano-webapp-files.ini
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-intranet/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-mdm/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-smime/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-at/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-ch/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-de/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-gb/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-us/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-es-es/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-fr-fr/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-it-it/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-nl-nl/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-pl-pl/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/kopano-webapp-spellchecker.ini
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp/0001-Fix-fatal-errors-in-translation-files.patch
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp/APKBUILD
 delete mode 100755 testing/kopano-webapp/compress-static
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.conf
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.ini
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.pre-install
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp/nginx-location.conf
 delete mode 100644 testing/kopano-webapp/php-fpm.example.conf

diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/0001-python-Use-libmdbx-instead-of-bsddb.patch b/testing/kopano-core/0001-python-Use-libmdbx-instead-of-bsddb.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab75dab39eb..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/0001-python-Use-libmdbx-instead-of-bsddb.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-From c370923f2896d6569ccb0327acf5a273ffa5afa1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Noel Kuntze <>
-Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 10:40:21 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] python: Use libmdbx instead of bsddb
- ECtools/backup/kopano_backup/  | 30 ++++++++---------------
- ECtools/backup/requirements.txt           |  2 +-
- ECtools/search/kopano_search/  | 10 ++++----
- ECtools/search/requirements.txt           |  2 +-
- ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/    |  6 ++---
- ECtools/spamd/requirements.txt            |  2 +-
- ECtools/utils/kopano_utils/ |  6 ++---
- 7 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/ECtools/backup/kopano_backup/ b/ECtools/backup/kopano_backup/
-index ad9d3485f..dd4387c42 100644
---- a/ECtools/backup/kopano_backup/
-+++ b/ECtools/backup/kopano_backup/
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ try:
-     import cPickle as pickle
- except ImportError:
-     import _pickle as pickle
--import bsddb3 as bsddb
-+import libmdbx
- from MAPI import (
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def fatal(s):
-     sys.exit(1)
- def dbopen(path):
--    return bsddb.hashopen(path, 'c')
-+    return libmdbx.Env(path)
- def _copy_folder_meta(from_dir, to_dir, keep_db=False):
-     if not os.path.exists(to_dir):
-@@ -594,7 +594,6 @@ class Service(kopano.Service):
-                     stats['folders'] += 1
-             else: # check all items for deletion
--                items_deleted = False
-                 with closing(dbopen(fpath+'/items')) as db_items:
-                     with closing(dbopen(fpath+'/index')) as db_index:
-                         delete_items = []
-@@ -604,23 +603,12 @@ class Service(kopano.Service):
-                             if backup_deleted and (self.timestamp - backup_deleted).days >= self.options.purge:
-                                 delete_items.append(item)
--                        if delete_items:
--                            items_deleted = True
-                         for item in delete_items:
-                             stats['items'] += 1
-                             self.log.debug('purging item: %s', item)
-                             del db_index[item]
-                             if item in db_items:
-                                 del db_items[item]
--                        if items_deleted:
--                            self.log.debug('compacting index database')
--                            freed_pages = db_index.db.compact(flags=bsddb.db.DB_FREE_SPACE)
--                            self.log.debug('returned %d pages to the underlying filesystem', freed_pages)
--                    if items_deleted:
--                        self.log.debug('compacting items database')
--                        freed_pages = db_items.db.compact(flags=bsddb.db.DB_FREE_SPACE)
--                        self.log.debug('returned %d pages to the underlying filesystem', freed_pages)
-'purged %d folders and %d items', stats['folders'], stats['items'])
-@@ -891,11 +879,13 @@ def folder_struct(data_path, options, mapper=None): # XXX deprecate?
- def folder_deleted(data_path):
-     if os.path.exists(data_path+'/index'):
--        with closing(bsddb.hashopen(data_path+'/index')) as db:
--           idx = db.get(b'folder')
--           if idx and pickle_loads(idx).get(b'backup_deleted'):
--               return pickle_loads(idx).get(b'backup_deleted')
--    return None
-+        # implement usage as "with" and use it.
-+        env=libmdbx.Env(data_path+'/index')
-+        idx=env[b'folder']
-+        if idx:
-+            value=pickle_loads(idx).get(b'backup_deleted')
-+            if value:
-+                return value
- def show_contents(data_path, options):
-     """ summary of contents of backup directory, at the item or folder level, in CSV format """
-@@ -920,7 +910,7 @@ def show_contents(data_path, options):
-         # filter items on date using 'index' database
-         if os.path.exists(data_path+'/index'):
--            with closing(bsddb.hashopen(data_path+'/index')) as db:
-+            with closing(libmdbx.Env(data_path+'/index')) as db:
-                 for key, value in db.items():
-                     d = pickle_loads(value)
-                     if ((key == b'folder') or
-diff --git a/ECtools/backup/requirements.txt b/ECtools/backup/requirements.txt
-index 6ee1b7b47..2e968c7f0 100644
---- a/ECtools/backup/requirements.txt
-+++ b/ECtools/backup/requirements.txt
-@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- kopano
-diff --git a/ECtools/search/kopano_search/ b/ECtools/search/kopano_search/
-index 631b40d68..496392a63 100644
---- a/ECtools/search/kopano_search/
-+++ b/ECtools/search/kopano_search/
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from multiprocessing import Queue, Value
- import time
- import sys
--import bsddb3 as bsddb
-+import libmdbx
- from queue import Empty
- from kopano_search import plaintext
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def db_get(db_path, key):
-     """ get value from db file """
-     if not isinstance(key, bytes):  # python3
-         key = key.encode('ascii')
--    with closing(bsddb.hashopen(db_path, 'c')) as db:
-+    with closing(libmdbx.Env(db_path)) as db:
-         value = db.get(key)
-         if value is not None:
-             return db.get(key).decode('ascii')
-@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def db_put(db_path, key, value):
-         key = key.encode('ascii')
-     with open(db_path+'.lock', 'w') as lockfile:
-         fcntl.flock(lockfile.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
--        with closing(bsddb.hashopen(db_path, 'c')) as db:
-+        with closing(libmdbx.Env(db_path)) as db:
-             db[key] = value
- class SearchWorker(kopano.Worker):
-@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ class Service(kopano.Service):
-             worker.start()
-         try:
-             self.state = db_get(self.state_db, 'SERVER')
--        except bsddb.db.DBAccessError:
--            self.log.error("Cannot access '%s': permission denied", self.state_db)
-+        except libmdbx.MDBXErrorExc as exc:
-+            self.log.error("Cannot access '%s': %s", self.state_db, exc.message)
-             sys.exit(1)
-         if self.state:
-diff --git a/ECtools/search/requirements.txt b/ECtools/search/requirements.txt
-index ba0834df3..04b7c433f 100644
---- a/ECtools/search/requirements.txt
-+++ b/ECtools/search/requirements.txt
-@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- kopano
- xapian
-diff --git a/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/ b/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/
-index 7fb8f422d..c31afb277 100644
---- a/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/
-+++ b/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import os
- import sys
- import time
--import bsddb3 as bsddb
-+import libmdbx
- import kopano
- from kopano import Config, log_exc
-@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ class Importer:
-     def mark_spam(self, searchkey):
-         if not isinstance(searchkey, bytes): # python3
-             searchkey = searchkey.encode('ascii')
--        with closing(bsddb.btopen(self.spamdb, 'c')) as db:
-+        with closing(libmdbx.Env(self.spamdb)) as db:
-             db[searchkey] = ''
-     def was_spam(self, searchkey):
-         if not isinstance(searchkey, bytes): # python3
-             searchkey = searchkey.encode('ascii')
--        with closing(bsddb.btopen(self.spamdb, 'c')) as db:
-+        with closing(libmdbx.Env(self.spamdb)) as db:
-             return searchkey in db
-     def update(self, item, flags):
-diff --git a/ECtools/spamd/requirements.txt b/ECtools/spamd/requirements.txt
-index 82a553bb6..f0b35cb8a 100644
---- a/ECtools/spamd/requirements.txt
-+++ b/ECtools/spamd/requirements.txt
-@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- kopano
-diff --git a/ECtools/utils/kopano_utils/ b/ECtools/utils/kopano_utils/
-index 1f83a41d2..0664e3390 100644
---- a/ECtools/utils/kopano_utils/
-+++ b/ECtools/utils/kopano_utils/
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import time
- import kopano
- from kopano.log import logger
--import bsddb3 as bsddb
-+import libmdbx
- CONFIG = {
-     "autorespond_cc": kopano.Config.boolean(default=False),
-@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def send_ooo(server, username, msg, copy_to_sentmail):
- def check_time(senddb, timelimit, username, to):
--    with closing(bsddb.btopen(senddb, 'c')) as db:
-+    with closing(libmdbx.Env(senddb)) as db:
-         key = username + ":" + to
-         key = key.encode('utf-8')
-         if key in db:
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def check_time(senddb, timelimit, username, to):
- def add_time(senddb, username, to):
--    with closing(bsddb.btopen(senddb, 'c')) as db:
-+    with closing(libmdbx.Env(senddb)) as db:
-         key = username + ":" + to
-         key = key.encode('utf-8')
-         db[key] = str(int(time.time()))
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/0002-provider.patch b/testing/kopano-core/0002-provider.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 70a5ba081b42..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/0002-provider.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/provider/client/WSUtil.cpp b/provider/client/WSUtil.cpp
-index 2bfa558ec..64d99fa9f 100644
---- a/provider/client/WSUtil.cpp
-+++ b/provider/client/WSUtil.cpp
-@@ -2077,7 +2077,14 @@ static HRESULT CopyMAPISourceKeyToSoapSourceKey(const SBinary *lpsMAPISourceKey,
- {
- 	if (lpsMAPISourceKey == nullptr || lpsSoapSourceKey == nullptr)
--	lpsSoapSourceKey->__ptr  = soap_new_unsignedByte(nullptr, lpsSoapSourceKey->__size);
-+	if (lpsMAPISourceKey->lpb == nullptr) {
-+		lpsSoapSourceKey->__ptr = nullptr;
-+		lpsSoapSourceKey->__size = 0;
-+		return hrSuccess;
-+	}
-+	lpsSoapSourceKey->__ptr = soap_new_unsignedByte(nullptr, lpsMAPISourceKey->cb);
-+	if (lpsSoapSourceKey->__ptr == nullptr)
-+		throw std::bad_alloc();
- 	lpsSoapSourceKey->__size = lpsMAPISourceKey->cb;
- 	memcpy(lpsSoapSourceKey->__ptr, lpsMAPISourceKey->lpb, lpsSoapSourceKey->__size);
- 	return hrSuccess;
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/0003-spamd-Correct-owner-and-group-of-spamd-ham_dir-spam_.patch b/testing/kopano-core/0003-spamd-Correct-owner-and-group-of-spamd-ham_dir-spam_.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc74f7c63615..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/0003-spamd-Correct-owner-and-group-of-spamd-ham_dir-spam_.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 8c9b91a8177bbf77f5e3e40097b58c0058f64045 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Noel Kuntze <>
-Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 03:37:39 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] spamd: Correct owner and group of spamd ham_dir, spam_dir and
- spam_db
-Fixes cd1a549bf51673c7c9885bdc339b8a21bd24b867
- ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/ | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/ b/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/
-index c31afb277..b38fc9290 100644
---- a/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/
-+++ b/ECtools/spamd/kopano_spamd/
-@@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ def main():
-     service = Service('spamd', config=CONFIG, options=options)
-     if service.config['learn_ham'] == True and not os.path.exists(service.config['ham_dir']):
-         os.makedirs(service.config['ham_dir'])
-+        for directory in "ham_dir", "spam_dir", "spam_db":
-+            os.chown(service.config[directory], pwd.getpwnam(service.config["run_as_user"]).pw_uid,
-+                pwd.getgrnam(service.config["run_as_group"]).pw_gid)
-     service.start()
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/ b/testing/kopano-core/
deleted file mode 100644
index e2b3b2d5ea92..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From 5ff9fe841d118d5d853b2939cc69bb242512eecc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Noel Kuntze <>
-Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 01:21:13 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] depend on libldap, not libldap_r (doesn't exist
- anymore in openldap on Alpine)
- | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/ b/
-index fcc7fd92f..b7f641546 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ LDAP_FLAGS=""
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ldap.h], [
--	LDAP_LIBS="-lldap_r"
-+	LDAP_LIBS="-lldap"
- 	want_ldap=yes
- ])
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-core/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index f279a2a2fd9a..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-subpackages="$pkgname-dbg $pkgname-openrc $pkgname-doc $pkgname-bash-completion"
-pkgdesc="Open Source Groupware Solution"
-# ppc64le blocked by py3-libmdbx
-arch="all !ppc64le"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-	autoconf
-	automake
-	curl-dev
-	db-dev
-	docbook-xsl
-	e2fsprogs
-	gnu-libiconv-dev
-	gsoap
-	gsoap-dev
-	icu-dev
-	jsoncpp-dev
-	krb5-dev
-	libhx-dev
-	libical-dev
-	libtool
-	libvmime-dev
-	libxml2-dev
-	mariadb-dev
-	openldap-dev
-	$_php-dev
-	py3-setuptools
-	python3-dev
-	sed
-	swig3
-	xapian-core-dev
-	xmlto
-pkgusers="kopano-core kopano-gateway kopano-ical postfix"
-pkggroups="kopano http kopano-diraccess"
-	bash-completion
-	bison
-	boost
-	boost-libs
-	catdoc
-	cyrus-sasl
-	gnu-libiconv
-	krb5
-	libxslt
-	mariadb
-	openldap
-	openrc
-	$_php
-	$_php-fpm
-	poppler
-	postfix
-	py3-daemon
-	py3-dateutil
-	py3-dnspython
-	py3-flask
-	py3-lockfile
-	py3-magic
-	py3-libmdbx
-	py3-minimock
-	py3-nose
-	py3-openssl
-	py3-soappy
-	py3-tlslite-ng
-	py3-tzlocal
-	w3m
-	xapian-bindings-$_php
-	xapian-bindings-python3
-	xorgproto
-	kopano-ical.initd
-	kopano-search.initd
-	kopano-spooler.initd
-	kopano-dagent.initd
-	kopano-monitor.initd
-	kopano-server.initd
-	kopano-gateway.initd
-	kopano-spamd.initd
-	kopano-server.conf
-	0001-python-Use-libmdbx-instead-of-bsddb.patch
-	0002-provider.patch
-	0003-spamd-Correct-owner-and-group-of-spamd-ham_dir-spam_.patch
-	fix-icu-70-1.patch
-	fix-build-with-musl-1.2.3.patch
-prepare() {
-	default_prepare
-	sed -i 's/0.9.2k1/0.9.2/g'
-	./
-build() {
-	PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 ./configure \
-	--prefix=/usr \
-	--localstatedir=/var \
-	--sysconfdir=/etc \
-	--exec-prefix=/usr \
-	--sbindir=/usr/bin \
-	--datarootdir=/usr/share \
-	--includedir=/usr/include \
-	--enable-release \
-	--enable-epoll \
-	--enable-python \
-	--disable-static \
-	--with-quotatemplate-prefix=/etc/kopano/quotamails \
-	--with-searchscripts-prefix=/etc/kopano/searchscripts \
-	--with-php=$_phpver \
-	--with-php-config=php-config$_phpver
-	make
-_cfg_set() {
-	local config_attribute="$1"
-	local config_attribute_prefix=$(echo -n "$config_attribute" | sed "s|\(_\).*|\1|")
-	local config_value="$2"
-	local config_file="$3"
-	# Uncomment And Set Attribute
-	if grep -q "$config_attribute" $config_file ;
-	then
-	# Uncomment (Replaces Optional Comments And Spaces)
-	sed -i "s|^#*\s*\($config_attribute.*\)|\1|" $config_file
-	# Set ("name = value" => "name = newvalue")
-	sed -i "s|^\($config_attribute\)\s*\=.*|\1 = $config_value|" $config_file
-	# Add Attribute At Right Position
-	elif [ -n "$config_attribute_prefix" ] \
-	&& grep -q "$config_attribute_prefix" $config_file ;
-	then
-	# Find Last Attribut From Prefix-Group
-	local config_attribute_last_from_group=$(tac $config_file | grep -m 1 "^#*\s*$config_attribute_prefix" | grep -o "${config_attribute_prefix}[^ =]*")
-	sed -i "s|\($config_attribute_last_from_group.*$\)|\1\n$config_attribute = $config_value|" $config_file
-	# Add Attribute At The End of File
-	else
-	echo $config_attribute = $config_value >> $config_file
-	fi
-package() {
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir"
-	make install -j1 DESTDIR="$(realpath $pkgdir)"
-	mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions
-	mv $pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ $pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/kopano
-	rm -Rf "$pkgdir/etc/kopano/license" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/sysusers.d/" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/"
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
-	cp AGPL-3 "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname"
-	cp -R RELNOTES.txt  "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname"
-	# General
-	share_path="$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/kopano/example-config"
-	#cfg_path="$pkgdir/etc/kopano"
-	cfg_path="$share_path/"
-	run_as_user="kopano-core"
-	run_as_group="kopano"
-	server_socket="/run/kopano/server.sock"
-	server_lo_port="tcp://"
-	server_socket_prio="/run/kopano/prio.sock"
-	search_socket="/run/kopano/search.sock"
-	server_tls_min_proto="TLSv1 TLSv1\.1 TLSv1\.2"
-	ssl_ciphers="AES256\+EECDH:AES256\+EDH:\!aNULL"
-	server_tls_min_proto="tls1\.2"
-	gateway_tls_min_proto="tls1\.2"
-	ical_tls_min_proto="tls1\.2"
-	ssl_privatekey="/etc/ssl/private/kopano.key"
-	ssl_certificate="/etc/ssl/private/kopano.crt"
-	# admin.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/admin.cfg"
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	# server.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/server.cfg"
-	_cfg_set "attachment_compression" "0" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "disabled_features" "" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "hide_everyone" "yes" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "search_enabled" "yes" "$cfg"
-	_cfg_set "search_socket" "file://$search_socket" "$cfg"
-	_cfg_set "mysql_socket" "/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "mysql_user" "kopano" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "mysql_password" "kopano" $cfg
-	#=> service
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "$run_as_user" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "$run_as_group" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "file" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "/var/log/kopano/server.log" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection (socket only)
-	_cfg_set "server_pipe_name" "$server_socket" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_pipe_priority" "$server_socket_prio" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_listen" "" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_listen_tls" "" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers" "yes" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_tls_min_proto" "$server_tls_min_proto" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_ssl_ciphers" "$ssl_ciphers" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_ssl_key_file" "$ssl_privatekey" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_ssl_key_pass" "" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_ssl_ca_file" "$ssl_certificate" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_ssl_ca_path" "/etc/ssl/certs" $cfg
-	# archiver.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/archiver.cfg"
-	#=> service
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "file" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "/var/log/kopano/archiver.log" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	# backup.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/backup.cfg"
-	#=> service
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "file" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "/var/log/kopano/backup.log" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	# dagent.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/dagent.cfg"
-	#=> service
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "$run_as_user" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "$run_as_group" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "file" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "/var/log/kopano/dagent.log" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_bind" "" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	# gateway.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/gateway.cfg"
-	_cfg_set "imap_public_folders" "yes" "$cfg"
-	_cfg_set "process_model" "fork" $cfg
-	#=> service (avoid requests to be upgraded to admin privileges)
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "kopano-gateway" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "kopano" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "file" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "/var/log/kopano/gateway.log" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "server_lo_port" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers" "yes" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "tls_min_proto" "$gateway_tls_min_proto" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_ciphers" "$ssl_ciphers" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_private_key_file" "$ssl_privatekey" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_certificate_file" "$ssl_certificate" $cfg
-	# ical.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/ical.cfg"
-	_cfg_set "process_model" "fork" $cfg
-	#=> service (avoid requests to be upgraded to kopano-admin)
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "kopano-ical" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "kopano" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "file" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "/var/log/kopano/ical.log" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers" "yes" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "tls_min_proto" "$ical_tls_min_proto" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_ciphers" "$ssl_ciphers" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_private_key_file" "$ssl_privatekey" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_certificate_file" "$ssl_certificate" $cfg
-	# monitor.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/monitor.cfg"
-	#=> service
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "$run_as_user" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "$run_as_group" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "file" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "/var/log/kopano/monitor.log" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	# search.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/search.cfg"
-	_cfg_set "index_attachements" "yes" "$cfg"
-	_cfg_set "server_bind_name" "file://$search_socket" "$cfg"
-	_cfg_set "ssl_private_key_file" "$ssl_privatekey" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "ssl_certificate_file" "$ssl_certificate" $cfg
-	#=> service
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "$run_as_user" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "$run_as_group" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "syslog" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "-" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "pid_file" "/run/kopano/" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	# spooler.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/spooler.cfg"
-	_cfg_set "allow_send_to_everyone" "no" "$cfg"
-	#=> service
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "$run_as_user" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "$run_as_group" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_method" "syslog" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_file" "-" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "log_level" "3" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	# spamd.cfg
-	cfg="$cfg_path/spamd.cfg"
-	_cfg_set "run_as_user" "$run_as_user" $cfg
-	_cfg_set "run_as_group" "$run_as_group" $cfg
-	#=> server-connection
-	_cfg_set "server_socket" "file://$server_socket" $cfg
-	install -dm0770 -okopano-core -gkopano "$pkgdir/var/log/kopano"
-	install -dm0770 -okopano-core -gkopano-diraccess "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano"
-	install -dm0550 -okopano-core -gkopano "$pkgdir/etc/kopano"
-	rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd"
-	# copy init files
-	for item in kopano-ical kopano-search kopano-spooler kopano-dagent \
-		kopano-monitor kopano-server kopano-gateway kopano-spamd
-	do
-		install -Dm 755 "$srcdir/$item.initd" "$pkgdir/etc/init.d/$item"
-	done
-	# copy conf.d file
-	install -Dm 644 "$srcdir/kopano-server.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/conf.d/kopano-server"
-0ca7c888b19cf9b33688373b22eb515b103a1d7ab4eb8b9302a4a5b005fa3eaa332f434db1efb372f0d3440567e542ac5ba85e4f8c2dc46597899e3472af506a  kopano-ical.initd
-6458f64076bbc398a8cc10a75ed2a9a32851b0a689956b3cb26e7f24364df666f6b173245f90a259a9db0fad8b0436636732c92c2d7fc908e2870fc6cbfad6ef  kopano-search.initd
-88b7af9b3e999526d326353b4637a8f64b2684987b22e771d5a3667993e4e715f6722a9ebf17e46fafcdb66520ac8c39dac3f0b16e287053ea05da9946ee6e43  kopano-spooler.initd
-a5db7e50f7e43d3d2f282c873cc9d4a4c2035f09cbe75e8b075040f72d63e8c4fcbf3d7c575b2bee0920e4a067c4eb23149144d71375903faeea6a1167a76702  kopano-dagent.initd
-3e5d19ff8df78177141bdb79370658e88841affbb5fd9f5f50e0ca5bb9119257c905ca58ac93525b0924a702d3610a5fa40e5f5f3c2e8378d9bcf48b23b31878  kopano-monitor.initd
-d962229807e185b82c88465b05f400974273224116216ebd2099cf3ab457e217565ce0839c26ddfdea4eee913b3341b92fd53b02ed30fdd63166a4ac19261a80  kopano-server.initd
-b3581c3a93cdd09bae3fbd9070e8263bf61db52348da1c7f1a9ad4657c684af4b83607ea47d036887938ca6d9d609b2ea77d38da00d4173f4051df3eb640be66  kopano-gateway.initd
-d19e37a561f192c9d975e0b81341fffccc60f72fabc197eeddbd8423deb93ee83ddadea59c056138c9c6c9ec13e9421cc226719c8e7ca31fa8657eb6ae213405  kopano-spamd.initd
-626e40d0a544290aa32210ce15b34ab871edbb670046762004af82dd5db0b3d18cd2f1982af615c393020118133a6b156c3953e5afa85012407efadd4bc49928  kopano-server.conf
-fe52eab1c33e4b0469506e8215216131e2d4c45f225dfec6511ab81f0b88180507a4019637691873dc3e2d21ccf9cacc4de1434000e28f480189253ac23a5f44  0001-python-Use-libmdbx-instead-of-bsddb.patch
-603409480e56a557dc2031bb6790a72a2fb310937f06acbd637f7d5c4617344bb0e037d3730f8b6b03f25d12ff32f8ef33ab87c2611b33e4865c47529cc103ae  0002-provider.patch
-ec72f40ccdb574efcb984ea0aded82668f787eef6d95fd0ca9f953a77d78cb4b3fe04ce233c6dabce72911462d7f11af8aacaa201a78cf125f84970978a5342e  0003-spamd-Correct-owner-and-group-of-spamd-ham_dir-spam_.patch
-fc793af00cdf28f5c3a5e51a6e51e8c64debc864b5d7b2ae6c5cfb760afed7d34b09d3fe5b04b401457e4ee829b6162358a632ccac23093309e082631195940c  fix-icu-70-1.patch
-0510629c00faa2dbbfce980747cf02180aa9480c784f59222815f935917db6fdafb0c07dc0e300aad83e39dc9d6755829a9340b366ffce9b77e8c85b86af30c4  fix-build-with-musl-1.2.3.patch
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/fix-build-with-musl-1.2.3.patch b/testing/kopano-core/fix-build-with-musl-1.2.3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 89405b7261f7..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/fix-build-with-musl-1.2.3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/swig/IECServiceAdmin.i
-+++ b/swig/IECServiceAdmin.i
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
--%typemap(in,numinputs=0) (bool *OUTPUT) (bool bBool = NULL) {
-+%typemap(in,numinputs=0) (bool *OUTPUT) (bool bBool = 0) {
-   $1 = &bBool;
- }
- %typemap(argout, fragment="SWIG_From_int") bool *OUTPUT{
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/fix-icu-70-1.patch b/testing/kopano-core/fix-icu-70-1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c27a5e27b7a9..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/fix-icu-70-1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- a/provider/client/ECGenericProp.cpp
-+++ b/provider/client/ECGenericProp.cpp
-@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
- 			++nProblem;
- 			continue;
- 		}
--		auto hrT = HrDeleteRealProp(lpPropTagArray->aulPropTag[i],FALSE);
-+		auto hrT = HrDeleteRealProp(lpPropTagArray->aulPropTag[i],false);
- 		if (hrT == hrSuccess)
- 			continue;
- 		// Add the error
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-core.pre-install b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-core.pre-install
deleted file mode 100644
index 426b69f81b34..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-core.pre-install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-addgroup -S kopano >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup http >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-adduser -S -D -H -h /var/lib/kopano -s /sbin/nologin -g kopano-core kopano-core >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S kopano-core kopano >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S kopano-diraccess >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S kopano-gateway >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S kopano-ical >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-adduser postfix kopano-diraccess >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-adduser -S -D -H -h /var/lib/kopano/ -s /sbin/nologin -g kopano-gateway kopano-gateway >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-adduser -S -D -H -h /var/lib/kopano/ -s /sbin/nologin -g kopano-ical kopano-ical >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S kopano-gateway kopano >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S kopano-ical kopano >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-exit 0
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-dagent.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-dagent.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index 120661cf30a8..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-dagent.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-command_args="-l -c /etc/kopano/dagent.cfg"
-depend() {
-	need net kopano-server
-start_pre() {
-	checkpath -d  -m 750 -o kopano-core:kopano /var/lib/kopano/dagent
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-gateway.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-gateway.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index aeba770cedf6..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-gateway.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-depend() {
-	need kopano-server
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-ical.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-ical.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index e2d07c2c18e2..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-ical.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-depend() {
-	need kopano-server
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-monitor.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-monitor.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index 99abc802cb5c..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-monitor.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-depend() {
-	need kopano-server
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-search.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-search.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index c793c70b1b37..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-search.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-depend() {
-	need kopano-server
-start_pre() {
-	checkpath -d  -m 750 -o kopano-core:kopano /var/lib/kopano/search
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.conf b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ca854680535..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-rc_ulimit="-n 60000"
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index 62bb69fdef78..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-server.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-depend() {
-	after mariadb
-start_pre() {
-	checkpath -d -m 750 -o kopano-core:kopano /run/kopano
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-spamd.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-spamd.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index c3801818e856..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-spamd.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-depend() {
-	need kopano-server
diff --git a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-spooler.initd b/testing/kopano-core/kopano-spooler.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index b65da6bce235..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-core/kopano-spooler.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-depend() {
-	need kopano-server
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-desktopnotifications/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-desktopnotifications/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 01081c3806e5..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-desktopnotifications/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="desktop notification plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src kopano-core"
-	kopano-webapp-desktopnotifications-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	sed -i -e "s/\(PLUGIN_DESKTOPNOTIFICATION_USER_DEFAULT_ENABLE', \)\(.*\)\();$\)/\1true\3/" config.php
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-fetchmail/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-fetchmail/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 095768190edc..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-fetchmail/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="fetchmail plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-depends="kopano-webapp php7-mysqli fetchmail"
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src kopano-core"
-	kopano-webapp-fetchmail-$$
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname/kopano-webapp-fetchmail-* kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-filepreviewer/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-filepreviewer/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index d1c0c279bcaa..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-filepreviewer/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="filepreviewer plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src kopano-core"
-	kopano-webapp-filepreviewer-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-owncloud/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-owncloud/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index ff9ab419a157..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-owncloud/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="owncloud backend for the files plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src kopano-core"
-	kopano-webapp-files-backend-owncloud-$$pkgver&format=zip
-# special name
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-smb/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-smb/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index d9eb5f213c75..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-files-backend-smb/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="smb backend for the files plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src kopano-core"
-	kopano-webapp-files-backend-smb-$$pkgver&format=zip
-# special name
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-files/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-files/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 893511c297b4..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-files/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="files plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src kopano-core"
-	kopano-webapp-files-$$pkgver&format=zip
-	kopano-webapp-files.ini
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	sed -i -e "s|\(PLUGIN_FILESBROWSER_LOGLEVEL', \)\(.*\)\();$\)|\1'ERROR'\3|" config.php
-	sed -i -e "s|\(PLUGIN_FILES_CACHE_DIR', \)\(.*\)\();$\)|\1'/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/files'\3|" config.php
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/etc/php/conf.d"
-	cp "$srcdir/$pkgname.ini" "$pkgdir/etc/php/conf.d"
-8bda45524ba341753a1503e5a8bf2b4f73a365d9cf9b71c0e33cdb1f3b2a32b39186bad39fedc4a955d724884dee6333ceb218a44859151cb1964932c4fab198  kopano-webapp-files.ini
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-files/kopano-webapp-files.ini b/testing/kopano-webapp-files/kopano-webapp-files.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a24027fc171..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-files/kopano-webapp-files.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-intranet/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-intranet/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff53bd81999..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-intranet/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="intranet plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src kopano-core"
-	kopano-webapp-intranet-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-mdm/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-mdm/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index f866cf8cf60e..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-mdm/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="mobile device management plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-depends="kopano-webapp z-push php7-soap"
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-mdm-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	sed -i -e "s/\(PLUGIN_MDM_USER_DEFAULT_ENABLE_MDM', \)\(.*\)\();$\)/\1true\3/" config.php
-	sed -i -e "s/\(PLUGIN_MDM_SERVER', \)\(.*\)\();$\)/\1''\3/" config.php
-	sed -i -e "s/\(PLUGIN_MDM_SERVER_SSL', \)\(.*\)\();$\)/\1false\3/" config.php
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-smime/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-smime/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 57bac5166e37..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-smime/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="smime plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-smime-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	sed -i -e "s/\(PLUGIN_SMIME_CIPHER', \)\(.*\)\();$\)/\1OPENSSL_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC\3/" config.php
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-at/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-at/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c69ddf35cf..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-at/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="German (Austria) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-at-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-ch/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-ch/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cbc8a010bc9..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-ch/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="German (Switzerland) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-ch-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-ch "kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	# copy files into right subdir
-	echo "_pluginname: $_pluginname" >&2
-	echo "Packaging $pkgname with _pluginname $_pluginname" >&2
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-de/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-de/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2ebe70066a..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-de/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="German (Germany) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-de-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-de-de "kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	# copy files into right subdir
-	echo "_pluginname: $_pluginname" >&2
-	echo "Packaging $pkgname with _pluginname $_pluginname" >&2
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-gb/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-gb/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index c9d6ba0e8f1f..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-gb/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="English (Great-Britain) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-gb-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-gb "kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	# copy files into right subdir
-	echo "_pluginname: $_pluginname" >&2
-	echo "Packaging $pkgname with _pluginname $_pluginname" >&2
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-us/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-us/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index dced7d110c0f..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-us/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="English (United States) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-en-us-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-es-es/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-es-es/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index f6fda8a6928c..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-es-es/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="Spanish (Spain) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-es-es-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-fr-fr/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-fr-fr/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dfb684a32a6..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-fr-fr/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="French (France) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-fr-fr-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-it-it/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-it-it/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index fd0d8886b51d..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-it-it/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="Italian (Italy) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-italian-it-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-italian-it "kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	# copy files into right subdir
-	echo "_pluginname: $_pluginname" >&2
-	echo "Packaging $pkgname with _pluginname $_pluginname" >&2
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-nl-nl/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-nl-nl/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a94abc20e77..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-nl-nl/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="Dutch (Netherlands) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-nl-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-nl "kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	# copy files into right subdir
-	echo "_pluginname: $_pluginname" >&2
-	echo "Packaging $pkgname with _pluginname $_pluginname" >&2
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-pl-pl/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-pl-pl/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ce5dda1c27..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-pl-pl/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="Polish (Poland) languagepack for kopano-webapp's spellchecker plugin"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core -> kopano-webapp
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-pl-pl-$$pkgver&format=zip
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv kopano-webapp-spellchecker-languagepack-pl-pl "kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	# copy files into right subdir
-	echo "_pluginname: $_pluginname" >&2
-	echo "Packaging $pkgname with _pluginname $_pluginname" >&2
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f5158986c6..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="spellchecker plugin for kopano-webapp"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core
-arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-depends="kopano-webapp php-enchant"
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-webapp-src"
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker-$$pkgver&format=zip
-	kopano-webapp-spellchecker.ini
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-prepare() {
-	cp -R /usr/share/src/kopano-webapp/ kopano-webapp
-	find "kopano-webapp/plugins/" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -rf
-	mv $pkgname kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname
-	default_prepare
-build() {
-	cd kopano-webapp
-	ant tools
-	cd plugins/$_pluginname
-	ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-package() {
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$pkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.php" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$_pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
-e8bf6c3fa6baf8638116a032a767dc5c4ab9e989c553e8d5f3510e3f6c8de8b23f6917bcb0a6203d1686bf98efb1b0b88d7d5c2c14909a3e3b0a70927fce20bb  kopano-webapp-spellchecker.ini
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/kopano-webapp-spellchecker.ini b/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/kopano-webapp-spellchecker.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 219c2fd42937..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp-spellchecker/kopano-webapp-spellchecker.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/0001-Fix-fatal-errors-in-translation-files.patch b/testing/kopano-webapp/0001-Fix-fatal-errors-in-translation-files.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 706fed869a15..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/0001-Fix-fatal-errors-in-translation-files.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From ebf9b017d4f24f01277be3ecb645e1d46ce4836d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Noel Kuntze <>
-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:17:21 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix fatal errors in translation files
- server/language/de_DE.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po | 4 ++--
- server/language/nl_NL.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/server/language/de_DE.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po b/server/language/de_DE.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po
-index dcc6b2cb..3994d87c 100644
---- a/server/language/de_DE.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po
-+++ b/server/language/de_DE.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po
-@@ -6265,9 +6265,9 @@ msgstr[1] ""
- msgid "Occurs every %s effective %s for %s occurrence."
- msgid_plural "Occurs every %s effective %s for %s occurrences."
- msgstr[0] ""
--"Findet jeden %s statt, beginnend am %s für %s Wiederholung von %s bis %s."
-+"Findet jeden %s statt, beginnend am %s für %s Wiederholung."
- msgstr[1] ""
--"Findet jeden %s statt, beginnend am %s für %s Wiederholungen von %s bis %s."
-+"Findet jeden %s statt, beginnend am %s für %s Wiederholungen."
- #, php-format
- msgid "Occurs every %s %s effective %s for %s occurrence."
-diff --git a/server/language/nl_NL.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po b/server/language/nl_NL.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po
-index 0dc4c5c1..8cda61a4 100644
---- a/server/language/nl_NL.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po
-+++ b/server/language/nl_NL.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po
-@@ -6270,7 +6270,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Vind plaats iedere %s %s, vanaf %s voor %s keren van %s tot %s."
- #, php-format
- msgid "Occurs every %s effective %s for %s occurrence."
- msgid_plural "Occurs every %s effective %s for %s occurrences."
--msgstr[0] "Vind iedere %s plaats, vanaf %s voor % keer."
-+msgstr[0] "Vind iedere %s plaats, vanaf %s voor %s keer."
- msgstr[1] "Vind iedere %s plaats, vanaf %s voor %s keren."
- #, php-format
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/APKBUILD b/testing/kopano-webapp/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 13d7519e887d..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Noel Kuntze <>
-pkgdesc="WebApp for Kopano"
-# ppc64le and riscv64 blocked by libmdbx -> kopano-core
- arch="noarch !ppc64le !riscv64"
-options="!check" # No test suite
-depends="php7 php7-fpm php7-json php7-gettext php7-iconv php7-session php7-openssl php7-simplexml php7-soap"
-# kopano-core necessary for mapi php module
-makedepends="apache-ant openjdk8 kopano-core bash gettext-dev libxml2-utils"
-	kopano-webapp-contactfax:simple_plugin_splitfunc:noarch
-	kopano-webapp-gmaps:simple_plugin_splitfunc:noarch
-	kopano-webapp-pimfolder:simple_plugin_splitfunc:noarch
-	kopano-webapp-src:_src:noarch
-# 	 kopano-webapp-passwd:kopano_webapp_passwd_splitfunc
-	nginx-location.conf
-	php-fpm.example.conf
-	kopano-webapp.conf
-	kopano-webapp.ini
-	compress-static
-	0001-Fix-fatal-errors-in-translation-files.patch
-#	0001-Remove-error-dev-stdout.patch"
-# No passwd plugin for now because of no known good upstream and untested code
-prepare() {
-	olddir="$builddir"
-	builddir="$srcdir/$pkgname"
-	default_prepare
-	builddir="$olddir"
-#helper function
-unpack() {
-	local u
-	verify
-	initdcheck
-	mkdir -p "$srcdir"
-	local gunzip="$(command -v pigz || echo gunzip)"
-	[ $gunzip = "/usr/bin/pigz" ] && gunzip="$gunzip -d"
-	for u in $source; do
-		local s
-		local filename="$(filename_from_uri $u)"
-		local new_root_dir="$builddir/${filename%%-[0-9]*}"
-		if is_remote "$u"; then
-			s="$SRCDEST/$filename"
-		else
-			s="$startdir/$u"
-		fi
-		case "$s" in
-			*.tar)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				mkdir -p "$new_root_dir"
-				$gunzip -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.tar.bz2)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" -jxf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				tar -C "$new_root_dir" --lzip -xf "$s" ;;
-			*.tar.lzma)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unlzma -T 0 -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x  ;;
-			*.tar.xz)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				local threads_opt
-				if [ "$(readlink -f "$(command -v unxz)")" != "/bin/busybox" ]; then
-					threads_opt="--threads=0"
-				fi
-				unxz $threads_opt -c "$s" | tar -C "$new_root_dir" -x ;;
-			*.zip)
-				msg "Unpacking $s..."
-				unzip -n -q "$s" -d "$new_root_dir" ;;
-		esac
-	done
-build() {
-	# create translations, compress javascript-files
-	cd kopano-webapp/
-	ant deploy
-	ant deploy-plugins
-	# antdeploy-plugins leads to errors
-	# execution one by one
-	cd "$srcdir"
-	for f in kopano-webapp-*; do
-		if [ -d "$f" ]; then
-			dest="kopano-webapp/plugins/${f//kopano-webapp-/}"
-			test="$(find . -name "$f/$f-*" 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)"
-			case "${f//kopano-webapp-/}" in
-				spellchecker-languagepack-italian)
-				dest=kopano-webapp/plugins/spellchecker-languagepack-italian-it
-				;;
-				files-backend-owncloud)
-				dest=kopano-webapp/plugins/filesbackendOwncloud
-				;;
-				files-backend-smb)
-				dest=kopano-webapp/plugins/filesbackendSMB
-				;;
-				fetchmail)
-				mv "$f"/*/ "$dest"
-				;;
-				*)
-				;;
-			esac
-			if [ -d "$test" ]; then
-				mv "$test" "$dest"
-			else
-				mv "$f" "$dest"
-			fi
-			cd "$dest"*
-			ant deploy -Droot-folder="$(pwd)/../../" -Dtarget-folder="$(pwd)/../../deploy/plugins"
-			cd "$srcdir"
-		fi
-	done
-package() {
-	# application
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy"
-	install -dm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/"
-	cp -r -- * "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/"
-	cp "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/.htaccess" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/"
-	rm -R -- "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/plugins/"*
-	# set version
-	echo "$pkgver" > "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/version"
-	## precompress for nginx
-	find "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname" -type f -exec "$srcdir/compress-static" "{}" \;
-	## config examples
-	install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/$pkgname/"
-	install -Dm 0644 -g kopano-webapp "$srcdir/php-fpm.example.conf" "$srcdir/nginx-location.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/$pkgname/"
-	install -Dm 0644 -g kopano-webapp "$srcdir/kopano-webapp.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/$pkgname/apache.example.conf"
-	install -Dm 0644 -g kopano-webapp "$srcdir/nginx-location.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/$pkgname/nginx.example.conf"
-	## config mains
-	install -Dm 0644 -g kopano-webapp config.php.dist "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/$pkgname/config.php"
-	sed -i 's%define("DEBUG_DUMP_FILE", BASE_PATH . "debug.txt");%define("DEBUG_DUMP_FILE",	"/var/log/kopano-webapp/debug.txt");%g' debug.php.dist
-	sed -i -e 's|\(\"DEBUG_LOADER\", \).*$|\1LOAD_RELEASE);|' debug.php.dist
-	install -Dm 0644 debug.php.dist "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/$pkgname/debug.php.dist"
-	ln -sf "/etc/webapps/$pkgname/config.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/config.php"
-	ln -sf "/etc/webapps/$pkgname/debug.php" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/debug.php"
-	## php
-	install -Dm 0644 "$srcdir/$pkgname.ini" "$pkgdir/etc/php7/conf.d/$pkgname.ini"
-	## php-fpm
-	install -Dm 0644 "$srcdir/$pkgname.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/php7/php-fpm.d/$pkgname.conf"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0770 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname/" "$pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname/plugins" "$pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname"
-	install -dm 0770 -g kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname/tmp"
-	touch "$pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname/debug.txt"
-	ln -sf "/var/log/$pkgname/debug.txt" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/debug.txt"
-	chown root:kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname"
-	chmod 750 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname"
-	chmod 660 "$pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname/debug.txt"
-	chown root:kopano-webapp "$pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname/debug.txt"
-	# fix access
-	chmod 644 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/client/"
-	# copy dompurify
-	install -dm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/client/dompurify"
-	# we're currently in srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy
-	install -Dm 644 ../client/dompurify/*.js* "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/client/dompurify/"
-	chmod 0755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/"
-simple_plugin_splitfunc() {
-	depends="kopano-webapp"
-	package_plugin
-package_plugin() {
-	: "${pluginname:="${subpkgname//kopano-webapp-/}"}"
-	echo "Pluginname: $pluginname" >&2
-	echo "Packaging $pkgname with pluginname $pluginname" >&2
-	cd "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/deploy/plugins/$pluginname/"
-	# /usr/share
-	install -dm 755 "$subpkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/"
-	cp -R -- * "$subpkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/"
-	rm -f "$subpkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/config.php"
-	"$srcdir/compress-static" "$subpkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/"
-	# /var/lib
-	install -dm 0700 -o kopano-webapp -g root "$subpkgdir/var/lib/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname"
-	# /etc
-	if [ -e "config.php" ]; then
-		## perform settings
-		# convert windows line break to unix:
-		sed -i -e $'s/\r//' config.php
-		install -dm 0750 -g kopano-webapp "$subpkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/"
-		## config mains
-		install -m 0750 -g kopano-webapp config.php "$subpkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/config.php"
-		ln -sf "/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/config.php" "$subpkgdir/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/config.php"
-		## config examples
-		install -m 0750 "$subpkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/config.php" "$subpkgdir/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp/plugins/$pluginname/config.example.php"
-	fi
-	if [ -e "$srcdir/$pluginname.ini" ];	then
-	  ## php
-	  mkdir -p "$subpkgdir/etc/php/conf.d"
-	  cp "$srcdir/$pluginname.ini" "$subpkgdir/etc/php/conf.d"
-	fi
-_src() {
-	pkgdesc="kopano-webapp (sources)"
-	destdir="$subpkgdir/usr/share/src/"
-	mkdir -p "$destdir"
-	cp -R "$srcdir/kopano-webapp/" "$destdir"
-	cd "$destdir/kopano-webapp/"
-	ant clean
-	# everything using the -src package requires tools. Saves some seconds at build time for those packages
-	ant tools
-849f08412c6754603cf6d31866ae0b257719530861fcb40fd6acc4530576da59c45792eecf0ff483de41398401a21f1b20e36f1183c8cfbb88053b1b8bd603f4  nginx-location.conf
-bad70098b919c4cacce3152b276da489d7a36ca195b607508ad316211401dc98f07433ef505deb82a91388993e58b398cce2bc3eb295cf812362bae96b40fb35  php-fpm.example.conf
-bdfe3960f88c776264e4caae47404a3647508f545f915a5aa205d486415d32c5ac89f8b4dbd9905a0b0751ec0ed42a2aef690cf8bca20f66e1f322141fad0f01  kopano-webapp.conf
-062103e4ebf63c5dc4589d25e03f5ebe1df711613d5ea27a27265f3041832677ed384a16460e2bf8905c59f800abc84ef30a70512738c2cb335b76d275332ce8  kopano-webapp.ini
-09dbd61b7016935238febf6f10f106b251d7eb0e03923655581986f9d4dd6f762887d5a8d8a421478d27a663c2110ae204ce52bf043309336112124b6c431513  compress-static
-f4d77690324eff874c22ff92a3717cc719fd66c0295baf60213cd8fbaa59110a8c4ca238caae9c36d4e606cbe56c7462c18225f917aaebac42b45e6b7683f0df  0001-Fix-fatal-errors-in-translation-files.patch
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/compress-static b/testing/kopano-webapp/compress-static
deleted file mode 100755
index b7d1c803cedc..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/compress-static
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-process() {
-        FILE="$1"
-        if ! $(echo "$FILE" | grep -E '.*\.('$FILES')')
-        then
-                return 0
-        fi
-        if [ -f "$FILE".gz ]
-        then
-                FILE_ORIG=$(stat -c %Y "$FILE")
-                FILE_GZIP=$(stat -c %Y "$FILE".gz)
-                if [ $FILE_ORIG -gt $FILE_GZIP ]
-                then
-                        rm "$FILE".gz
-                        gzip -k -9 "$FILE"
-                        if [ "$DEBUG" == 1 ]
-                        then
-                                echo "Deleted old .gz and created new one at: $FILE.gz"
-                                sleep $SLEEP_DELAY
-                        fi
-                else
-                        if [ "$DEBUG" == 1 ]
-                        then
-                                echo "Skipping - Already up to date: $FILE.gz" 
-                        fi
-                fi
-        else
-                gzip -k -9 "$FILE"
-                echo "Created new: $FILE.gz"
-        fi
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.conf b/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index dfcf033c3e39..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-listen = /var/lib/php7/fpm/kopano-webapp.sock
-listen.owner = kopano-webapp = http
-listen.mode = 0660
-user = kopano-webapp
-group = kopano
-; 5 kopano-webapp users
-pm = ondemand
-pm.max_children = 15
-pm.max_requests = 500
-env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
-env[TMP] = /tmp
-env[TMPDIR] = /tmp
-env[TEMP] = /tmp
-env[HOME] = /home
-php_flag[short_open_tag] = on
-php_flag[register_globals] = off
-php_flag[magic_quotes_gpc] = off
-php_flag[magic_quotes_runtime] = off
-; The maximum POST limit. To upload large files, this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize.
-php_admin_value[upload_max_filesize] = 30M
-php_admin_value[post_max_size] = 31M
-php_admin_value[open_basedir] = ${open_basedir}:/usr/share/webapps/kopano-webapp:/etc/webapps/kopano-webapp:/var/lib/kopano-webapp:/var/log/kopano-webapp:/usr/share/php/mapi
-php_admin_value[session.save_path] = /var/lib/kopano-webapp/tmp
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.ini b/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a719d9bce43..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.pre-install b/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.pre-install
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fcbe5d78004..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/kopano-webapp.pre-install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-addgroup -S kopano-webapp >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S http >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-adduser -S -D -H -h /var/lib/kopano -s /sbin/nologin -G kopano-webapp -g kopano-webapp kopano-webapp >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-addgroup -S kopano-webapp kopano
-exit 0
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/nginx-location.conf b/testing/kopano-webapp/nginx-location.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 157997e187ce..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/nginx-location.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-        ###
-        ## In order to run this component you need to define a server-context in.
-        ## /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
-        ##
-        ##   http {
-        ##      server {
-        ##              listen 80;
-        ##              include ${PATH_TO_THIS_LOCATION_FILE};
-        ##      }
-        ##   }
-        ##
-        ## Or include this file in your existing server-context.
-        ##
-        location /kopano-webapp {
-            root /usr/share/webapps;
-            index index.php;
-            gzip_static       on;
-            gzip_vary         on;
-            ## [WARNING] The following header states that the browser should only communicate
-            ## with your server over a secure connection for the next 24 months.
-            add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=63072000;
-            add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
-            add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
-            rewrite ^(.*)\/\.(.*)$ @404 break;
-            ## Increase this if you want to upload large attachments
-            client_max_body_size 20m;
-            # Pass PHP scripts to PHP-FPM
-            location ~* \.php$ {
-                if (!-f $request_filename) {
-                    return 404;
-                }
-                fastcgi_index   index.php;
-                fastcgi_pass    unix:/var/lib/php7/fpm/kopano-webapp.sock;
-                include         fastcgi_params;
-                fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME    $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
-                fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_NAME        $fastcgi_script_name;
-            }
-        }
diff --git a/testing/kopano-webapp/php-fpm.example.conf b/testing/kopano-webapp/php-fpm.example.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b9777f1093..000000000000
--- a/testing/kopano-webapp/php-fpm.example.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-include = /etc/php/fpm.d/*.conf
-pid = /run/php-fpm/
-error_log = syslog
-log_level =  notice