From 8965b00c7fa7c7caa0cf451551a63b8262abd5e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carlo Landmeter <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2019 09:08:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] main/cyrus-sasl: upgrade to 2.1.27 and cleanup

fails to build with ldap (linker issue)
should probably be added/fixed in the future.

make sasldb the default auth for saslauthd (we do not support pam).
 main/cyrus-sasl/APKBUILD                      | 130 +++---
 main/cyrus-sasl/CVE-2013-4122.patch           | 117 -----
 .../cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-size_t.patch |  12 -
 .../cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-as_needed.patch         |  25 +
 .../cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-autotools_fixes.patch   |  31 ++
 ...rus-sasl-2.1.27-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch} |  18 +-
 .../cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-doc_build_fix.patch     |  11 + |  16 +
 main/cyrus-sasl/openssl-1.1.patch             | 435 ------------------
 main/cyrus-sasl/saslauthd.initd               |  19 +-
 10 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 649 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 main/cyrus-sasl/CVE-2013-4122.patch
 delete mode 100644 main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-size_t.patch
 create mode 100644 main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-as_needed.patch
 create mode 100644 main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-autotools_fixes.patch
 rename main/cyrus-sasl/{cyrus-sasl-2.1.25-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch => cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch} (62%)
 create mode 100644 main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-doc_build_fix.patch
 create mode 100644 main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-gss_c_nt_hostbased_service.patch
 delete mode 100644 main/cyrus-sasl/openssl-1.1.patch

diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/APKBUILD b/main/cyrus-sasl/APKBUILD
index aaefd7c8118f..c193314bc383 100644
--- a/main/cyrus-sasl/APKBUILD
+++ b/main/cyrus-sasl/APKBUILD
@@ -1,25 +1,45 @@
 # Contributor: Leonardo Arena <>
 # Maintainer: Natanael Copa <>
 pkgdesc="Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL)"
 options="!check"  # No test suite.
-subpackages="$pkgname-static $pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-gssapi $pkgname-gs2
-	$pkgname-scram $pkgname-ntlm $pkgname-crammd5 $pkgname-digestmd5
-	libsasl $pkgname-openrc"
-makedepends="db-dev openssl-dev heimdal-dev
-	autoconf automake libtool"
+	$pkgname-dev
+	$pkgname-doc
+	$pkgname-openrc
+	libsasl	
+	$pkgname-gssapiv2:_plugin
+	$pkgname-gs2:_plugin
+	$pkgname-scram:_plugin
+	$pkgname-ntlm:_plugin
+	$pkgname-crammd5:_plugin
+	$pkgname-digestmd5:_plugin
+	$pkgname-plain:_plugin
+	$pkgname-login:_plugin
+	"
+	db-dev
+	openssl-dev
+	krb5-dev
+	openldap-dev
+	py-sphinx
+	automake
+	autoconf
+	libtool
+	"
+	cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-as_needed.patch
+	cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-autotools_fixes.patch
+	cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
+	cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-doc_build_fix.patch
+	cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-gss_c_nt_hostbased_service.patch
-	cyrus-sasl-2.1.25-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
-	cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-size_t.patch
-	CVE-2013-4122.patch
-	openssl-1.1.patch
 # secfixes:
@@ -27,50 +47,48 @@ source="$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz
 #   - CVE-2013-4122
-prepare() {
-	default_prepare
-	# the libtool they ship is broken
-	sed 's/AM_CONFIG_HEADER/AC_CONFIG_HEADERS/' -i || return 1
-	rm -rf config/config.guess config/config.sub config/ltconfig \
-		config/ config/libtool.m4 autom4te.cache
-	libtoolize -c && aclocal -I config -I cmulocal \
-		&& automake -a -c && autoheader && autoconf
 build() {
-	cd "$builddir"
+	autoreconf -vif
 	./configure \
 		--build=$CBUILD \
 		--host=$CHOST \
 		--prefix=/usr \
 		--sysconfdir=/etc \
 		--localstatedir=/var \
+		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
 		--enable-static \
 		--enable-shared \
-		--disable-anon \
+		--disable-java \
+		--with-plugindir=/usr/lib/sasl2 \
+		--with-configdir=/etc/sasl2 \
+		--with-dbpath=/etc/sasl2/sasldb2 \
+		--disable-krb4 \
+		--with-gss_impl=mit \
+		--enable-gssapi \
+		--with-rc4 \
+		--with-dblib=berkeley \
+		--with-saslauthd=/run/saslauthd \
+		--without-pwcheck \
+		--with-devrandom=/dev/urandom \
+		--enable-anon \
 		--enable-cram \
 		--enable-digest \
-		--enable-login \
 		--enable-ntlm \
-		--disable-otp \
 		--enable-plain \
-		--with-gss_impl=heimdal \
-		--with-devrandom=/dev/urandom \
-		--without-ldap \
-		--with-saslauthd=/var/run/saslauthd \
-		--mandir=/usr/share/man
-	# parallell builds is broken
-	make -j1
+		--enable-login \
+		--enable-auth-sasldb \
+		--enable-alwaystrue \
+		--disable-otp 
+	make
 package() {
-	cd "$srcdir"/cyrus-sasl-$pkgver
+	cd "$builddir"
 	make -j1 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+	mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/etc/sasl2
 	install -D -m644 COPYING "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING
-	install -Dm755 ../saslauthd.initd "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/saslauthd
-	install -d "$pkgdir"/var/run/saslauthd
+	install -Dm755 "$srcdir"/saslauthd.initd "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/saslauthd
 static() {
@@ -79,32 +97,30 @@ static() {
 	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/*.a "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/
 _plugin() {
+	local plugin=${subpkgname/$pkgname-/}
-	pkgdesc="Cyrus SASL plugin for $1"
-	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/$_plugindir
-	mv "$pkgdir"/$_plugindir/lib${1}.so* "$subpkgdir"/$_plugindir/
+	pkgdesc="Cyrus SASL plugin for $plugin"
+	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/sasl2
+	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/sasl2/lib${plugin}.so* "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/sasl2/
-gssapi() { _plugin gssapiv2; }
-gs2() { _plugin gs2; }
-scram() { _plugin scram; }
-ntlm() { _plugin ntlm; }
-crammd5() { _plugin crammd5; }
-digestmd5() { _plugin digestmd5; }
 libsasl() {
 	pkgdesc="Cyrus Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) library"
-	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr
-	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib "$subpkgdir"/usr/
+	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/sasl2 
+	local lib=
+	for lib in anonymous sasldb; do
+		mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/sasl2/*${lib}*.so* "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/sasl2/
+	done
+	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libsasl*.so.* "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/
-sha512sums="78819cb9bb38bea4537d6770d309deeeef09ff44a67526177609d3e1257ff4334d2b5e5131d5a1e4dea7430d8db1918ea9d171f0dee38b5e8337f4b72ed068f0  cyrus-sasl-2.1.26.tar.gz
-71a00a22f91f0fb6ba2796acede321a0f071b1d7a99616f0e36c354213777f30575c340b6df392dcbfc103ba7640d046144882f6a7b505f59709bb5c429b44d8  saslauthd.initd
-033e3634116e1d3b316052dbe0b671cca0fcfb6063fca1a97d990c422c2ce05109a1e424e84ed9928dc0312a325a7248f2d2e3f9547f84453b36331c01f63be5  cyrus-sasl-2.1.25-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
-fe4c3e6d5230eb50b9e6885129760a12e7bce316b41a3e58b2c550fa83526b91205cd827f7d1367751313559875d32982b95b024b1a22300ac5b35214e7c2b78  cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-size_t.patch
-08964bc3ad713e137b8f05f9bac345d79676d14784bc37525f195e8e2a3e6740428237b64f7eeeacc0c71ed6cf1664c6e9c2267ac6df327761d92174a1853744  CVE-2013-4122.patch
-75541cf0a1b52f809ac9073b629a224fdb6e70a13ce0cf10c0ad0a12bf94887a725466e8000c2a412f20d88d8c4b8bc5be5a5bf74d752c529bc76cfa58755d8a  openssl-1.1.patch"
+sha512sums="d11549a99b3b06af79fc62d5478dba3305d7e7cc0824f4b91f0d2638daafbe940623eab235f85af9be38dcf5d42fc131db531c177040a85187aee5096b8df63b  cyrus-sasl-2.1.27.tar.gz
+9eefa6d45e3dd9157a5672909acdd88f0ae35e76d64c3723890a474bbb05b22499cfadb0c077924d27f34da3710b2b700094dd7d5704050138c08dabcefdde94  cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-as_needed.patch
+0d99ca049e76c11500769079d94f3bdb634bddb4c8d45a83b383e9bb9777edda66b17566800acbd450e1f4842d070ec3fbc236e7f0ef8759c36e6dd5ea8e3c64  cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-autotools_fixes.patch
+4ca601839b023ef790e48dae567ffbbd57c632384c980946639ec7437ad23874961451718569455e6e25afaeff1728ecbc71a8686f6b43246f83465f95a2c904  cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
+6d723e7ec2c431b45c011b887187b6a670dbe646aa4c39d38171047ab23db529c30c433f8d4dd624181917c5ce4e5271f86e35e2644ede1c40dfb09cb67dccde  cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-doc_build_fix.patch
+fca4f2b7e427c7613f71daa4a31772c33c8c0fe9d7f85b57b85da71bc5a88a18fc52f7caea463188b4addd31cd041d5349af689d5face2cc45fb50c700a8afd7  cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-gss_c_nt_hostbased_service.patch
+f76bfb61567172428cdbc1ed900d5e0b6e66afc38118db6ba0e2fd8ba01956ad896e56463b2249bdc46d8725384f1b975a2af3601c0735327d3f8bc26ce1ed75  saslauthd.initd"
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/CVE-2013-4122.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/CVE-2013-4122.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f2595a5c9e..000000000000
--- a/main/cyrus-sasl/CVE-2013-4122.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-From dedad73e5e7a75d01a5f3d5a6702ab8ccd2ff40d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: mancha <>
-Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 10:08:07 +0100
-Subject: Handle NULL returns from glibc 2.17+ crypt()
-Starting with glibc 2.17 (eglibc 2.17), crypt() fails with EINVAL
-(w/ NULL return) if the salt violates specifications. Additionally,
-on FIPS-140 enabled Linux systems, DES/MD5-encrypted passwords
-passed to crypt() fail with EPERM (w/ NULL return).
-When using glibc's crypt(), check return value to avoid a possible
-NULL pointer dereference.
-Patch by
-diff --git a/pwcheck/pwcheck_getpwnam.c b/pwcheck/pwcheck_getpwnam.c
-index 4b34222..400289c 100644
---- a/pwcheck/pwcheck_getpwnam.c
-+++ b/pwcheck/pwcheck_getpwnam.c
-@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ char *userid;
- char *password;
- {
-     char* r;
-+    char* crpt_passwd;
-     struct passwd *pwd;
-     pwd = getpwnam(userid);
-@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ char *password;
-     else if (pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '*') {
- 	r = "Account disabled";
-     }
--    else if (strcmp(pwd->pw_passwd, crypt(password, pwd->pw_passwd)) != 0) {
-+    else if (!(crpt_passwd = crypt(password, pwd->pw_passwd)) || strcmp(pwd->pw_passwd, (const char *)crpt_passwd) != 0) {
- 	r = "Incorrect password";
-     }
-     else {
-diff --git a/pwcheck/pwcheck_getspnam.c b/pwcheck/pwcheck_getspnam.c
-index 2b11286..6d607bb 100644
---- a/pwcheck/pwcheck_getspnam.c
-+++ b/pwcheck/pwcheck_getspnam.c
-@@ -32,13 +32,15 @@ char *userid;
- char *password;
- {
-     struct spwd *pwd;
-+    char *crpt_passwd;
-     pwd = getspnam(userid);
-     if (!pwd) {
- 	return "Userid not found";
-     }
--    if (strcmp(pwd->sp_pwdp, crypt(password, pwd->sp_pwdp)) != 0) {
-+    crpt_passwd = crypt(password, pwd->sp_pwdp);
-+    if (!crpt_passwd || strcmp(pwd->sp_pwdp, (const char *)crpt_passwd) != 0) {
- 	return "Incorrect password";
-     }
-     else {
-diff --git a/saslauthd/auth_getpwent.c b/saslauthd/auth_getpwent.c
-index fc8029d..d4ebe54 100644
---- a/saslauthd/auth_getpwent.c
-+++ b/saslauthd/auth_getpwent.c
-@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ auth_getpwent (
- {
-     /* VARIABLES */
-     struct passwd *pw;			/* pointer to passwd file entry */
-+    char *crpt_passwd;			/* encrypted password */
-     int errnum;
-     /* END VARIABLES */
-@@ -105,7 +106,8 @@ auth_getpwent (
- 	}
-     }
--    if (strcmp(pw->pw_passwd, (const char *)crypt(password, pw->pw_passwd))) {
-+    crpt_passwd = crypt(password, pw->pw_passwd);
-+    if (!crpt_passwd || strcmp(pw->pw_passwd, (const char *)crpt_passwd)) {
- 	if (flags & VERBOSE) {
- 	    syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG: auth_getpwent: %s: invalid password", login);
- 	}
-diff --git a/saslauthd/auth_shadow.c b/saslauthd/auth_shadow.c
-index 677131b..1988afd 100644
---- a/saslauthd/auth_shadow.c
-+++ b/saslauthd/auth_shadow.c
-@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ auth_shadow (
- 	RETURN("NO Insufficient permission to access NIS authentication database (saslauthd)");
-     }
--    cpw = strdup((const char *)crypt(password, sp->sp_pwdp));
--    if (strcmp(sp->sp_pwdp, cpw)) {
-+    cpw = crypt(password, sp->sp_pwdp);
-+    if (!cpw || strcmp(sp->sp_pwdp, (const char *)cpw)) {
- 	if (flags & VERBOSE) {
- 	    /*
- 	     * This _should_ reveal the SHADOW_PW_LOCKED prefix to an
-@@ -221,10 +221,8 @@ auth_shadow (
- 	    syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG: auth_shadow: pw mismatch: '%s' != '%s'",
- 		   sp->sp_pwdp, cpw);
- 	}
--	free(cpw);
- 	RETURN("NO Incorrect password");
-     }
--    free(cpw);
-     /*
-      * The following fields will be set to -1 if:
-@@ -286,7 +284,7 @@ auth_shadow (
- 	RETURN("NO Invalid username");
-     }
--    if (strcmp(upw->upw_passwd, crypt(password, upw->upw_passwd)) != 0) {
-+    if (!(cpw = crypt(password, upw->upw_passwd)) || (strcmp(upw->upw_passwd, (const char *)cpw) != 0)) {
- 	if (flags & VERBOSE) {
- 	    syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "auth_shadow: pw mismatch: %s != %s",
- 		   password, upw->upw_passwd);
-cgit v0.10.2
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-size_t.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-size_t.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cde823835b5e..000000000000
--- a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-size_t.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -up cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/include/sasl.h.size_t cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/include/sasl.h
---- cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/include/sasl.h.size_t	2012-10-12 09:05:48.000000000 -0500
-+++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/include/sasl.h	2013-01-31 13:21:04.007739327 -0600
-@@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ extern "C" {
-  * they must be called before all other SASL functions:
-  */
-+#include <sys/types.h>
- /* memory allocation functions which may optionally be replaced:
-  */
- typedef void *sasl_malloc_t(size_t);
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-as_needed.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-as_needed.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7cd9e151fbb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-as_needed.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Author: Matthias Klose <>
+Desription: Fix FTBFS, add $(SASL_DB_LIB) as dependency to libsasldb, and use
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/saslauthd/
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/saslauthd/
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ saslauthd_DEPENDENCIES = saslauthd-main.o $(LTLIBOBJS_FULL)
+ saslauthd_LDADD	= @SASL_KRB_LIB@ \
+ testsaslauthd_SOURCES = testsaslauthd.c utils.c
+ testsaslauthd_LDADD = @LIB_SOCKET@
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/sasldb/
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/sasldb/
+@@ -54,6 +54,6 @@
+ libsasldb_la_SOURCES = allockey.c sasldb.h
+ EXTRA_libsasldb_la_SOURCES = $(extra_common_sources)
+-libsasldb_la_LIBADD = $(SASL_DB_BACKEND)
++libsasldb_la_LIBADD = $(SASL_DB_BACKEND) $(SASL_DB_LIB)
+ libsasldb_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-autotools_fixes.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-autotools_fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2ce971efc5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-autotools_fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/
+@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
+ AC_PREREQ(2.63)
+ dnl
+ dnl REMINDER: When changing the version number here, please also update
+ dnl the values in win32/include/config.h and include/sasl.h as well.
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/
+@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
+ #
+ ################################################################
+ SAD = saslauthd
+ else
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/saslauthd/
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/saslauthd/
+@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
++ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I ../config
+ sbin_PROGRAMS	= saslauthd testsaslauthd
+ EXTRA_PROGRAMS  = saslcache
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.25-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
similarity index 62%
rename from main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.25-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
rename to main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
index 2e5b1750d00d..c331039e2f16 100644
--- a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.25-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
+++ b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-avoid_pic_overwrite.patch
@@ -4,24 +4,14 @@ is created out of non-PIC objects, is not going to overwrite the PIC version,
 which is created out of PIC objects. The PIC version is placed in .libs, and
 the non-PIC version in the current directory.  This ensures that both non-PIC
 and PIC versions are available in the correct locations.
---- a/lib/
-+++ b/lib/
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ endif
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/lib/
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/lib/
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
  libsasl2.a: $(SASL_STATIC_OBJS)
  	@echo adding static plugins and dependencies
 -	$(AR) cru .libs/$@ $(SASL_STATIC_OBJS)
 +	$(AR) cru $@ $(SASL_STATIC_OBJS)
- 	@for i in ./ ../sasldb/ ../plugins/lib*.la; do \
+ 	@for i in ./ ../common/ ../sasldb/ ../plugins/lib*.la; do \
  	if test ! -f $$i; then continue; fi; . $$i; \
  	for j in $$dependency_libs foo; do \
---- a/sasldb/
-+++ b/sasldb/
-@@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ libsasldb_a_SOURCES =
- EXTRA_libsasldb_a_SOURCES =
- libsasldb.a: $(SASL_DB_BACKEND_STATIC)
--	$(AR) cru .libs/$@ $(SASL_DB_BACKEND_STATIC)
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-doc_build_fix.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-doc_build_fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bdd02f779660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-doc_build_fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/docsrc/exts/sphinxlocal/writers/
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/docsrc/exts/sphinxlocal/writers/
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ from sphinx import addnodes
+ from sphinx.locale import admonitionlabels, _
+ from sphinx.util.osutil import ustrftime
+-from sphinx.util.compat import docutils_version
++#from sphinx.util.compat import docutils_version
+ class CyrusManualPageWriter(ManualPageWriter):
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-gss_c_nt_hostbased_service.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-gss_c_nt_hostbased_service.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c585cb158e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/cyrus-sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-gss_c_nt_hostbased_service.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Gentoo bug #389349
+--- cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/m4/sasl2.m4
++++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.27/m4/sasl2.m4
+@@ -220,7 +220,11 @@
+                  [AC_WARN([Cybersafe define not found])])
+   elif test "$ac_cv_header_gssapi_h" = "yes"; then
++    AC_EGREP_CPP(hostbased_service_gss_nt_yes, gssapi.h,
++                 [#include <gssapi.h>
++                  #ifdef GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE
++                    hostbased_service_gss_nt_yes
++                  #endif],
+                                [Define if your GSSAPI implementation defines GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE])])
+   elif test "$ac_cv_header_gssapi_gssapi_h"; then
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/openssl-1.1.patch b/main/cyrus-sasl/openssl-1.1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c02a2141d254..000000000000
--- a/main/cyrus-sasl/openssl-1.1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-diff -up cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/ntlm.c.openssl110 cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/ntlm.c
---- cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/ntlm.c.openssl110	2012-01-28 00:31:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/ntlm.c	2016-11-07 16:15:57.498259304 +0100
-@@ -417,6 +417,29 @@ static unsigned char *P24(unsigned char
-     return P24;
- }
-+static HMAC_CTX *_plug_HMAC_CTX_new(const sasl_utils_t *utils)
-+    utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_DEBUG, "_plug_HMAC_CTX_new()");
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
-+    return HMAC_CTX_new();
-+    return utils->malloc(sizeof(HMAC_CTX));
-+static void _plug_HMAC_CTX_free(HMAC_CTX *ctx, const sasl_utils_t *utils)
-+    utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_DEBUG, "_plug_HMAC_CTX_free()");
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
-+    HMAC_CTX_free(ctx);
-+    HMAC_cleanup(ctx);
-+    utils->free(ctx);
- static unsigned char *V2(unsigned char *V2, sasl_secret_t *passwd,
- 			 const char *authid, const char *target,
- 			 const unsigned char *challenge,
-@@ -424,7 +447,7 @@ static unsigned char *V2(unsigned char *
- 			 const sasl_utils_t *utils,
- 			 char **buf, unsigned *buflen, int *result)
- {
--    HMAC_CTX ctx;
-+    HMAC_CTX *ctx = NULL;
-     unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
-     char *upper;
-     unsigned int len;
-@@ -435,6 +458,10 @@ static unsigned char *V2(unsigned char *
- 	SETERROR(utils, "cannot allocate NTLMv2 hash");
- 	*result = SASL_NOMEM;
-     }
-+    else if ((ctx = _plug_HMAC_CTX_new(utils)) == NULL) {
-+        SETERROR(utils, "cannot allocate HMAC CTX");
-+        *result = SASL_NOMEM;
-+    }
-     else {
- 	/* NTLMv2hash = HMAC-MD5(NTLMhash, unicode(ucase(authid + domain))) */
- 	P16_nt(hash, passwd, utils, buf, buflen, result);
-@@ -449,17 +476,18 @@ static unsigned char *V2(unsigned char *
- 	HMAC(EVP_md5(), hash, MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH, *buf, 2 * len, hash, &len);
- 	/* V2 = HMAC-MD5(NTLMv2hash, challenge + blob) + blob */
--	HMAC_Init(&ctx, hash, len, EVP_md5());
--	HMAC_Update(&ctx, challenge, NTLM_NONCE_LENGTH);
--	HMAC_Update(&ctx, blob, bloblen);
--	HMAC_Final(&ctx, V2, &len);
--	HMAC_cleanup(&ctx);
-+	HMAC_Init_ex(ctx, hash, len, EVP_md5(), NULL);
-+	HMAC_Update(ctx, challenge, NTLM_NONCE_LENGTH);
-+	HMAC_Update(ctx, blob, bloblen);
-+	HMAC_Final(ctx, V2, &len);
- 	/* the blob is concatenated outside of this function */
- 	*result = SASL_OK;
-     }
-+    if (ctx) _plug_HMAC_CTX_free(ctx, utils);
-     return V2;
- }
-diff -up cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/otp.c.openssl110 cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/otp.c
---- cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/otp.c.openssl110	2012-10-12 16:05:48.000000000 +0200
-+++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/plugins/otp.c	2016-11-07 16:13:54.374327601 +0100
-@@ -96,6 +96,28 @@ static algorithm_option_t algorithm_opti
-     {NULL,	0,	NULL}
- };
-+static EVP_MD_CTX *_plug_EVP_MD_CTX_new(const sasl_utils_t *utils)
-+    utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_DEBUG, "_plug_EVP_MD_CTX_new()");
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
-+    return EVP_MD_CTX_new();
-+    return utils->malloc(sizeof(EVP_MD_CTX));
-+static void _plug_EVP_MD_CTX_free(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const sasl_utils_t *utils)
-+    utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_DEBUG, "_plug_EVP_MD_CTX_free()");
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
-+    EVP_MD_CTX_free(ctx);
-+    utils->free(ctx);
- /* Convert the binary data into ASCII hex */
- void bin2hex(unsigned char *bin, int binlen, char *hex)
- {
-@@ -116,17 +138,16 @@ void bin2hex(unsigned char *bin, int bin
-  * swabbing bytes if necessary.
-  */
- static void otp_hash(const EVP_MD *md, char *in, size_t inlen,
--		     unsigned char *out, int swab)
-+		     unsigned char *out, int swab, EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx)
- {
--    EVP_MD_CTX mdctx;
--    char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
-+    unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
-     unsigned int i;
-     int j;
-     unsigned hashlen;
--    EVP_DigestInit(&mdctx, md);
--    EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, in, inlen);
--    EVP_DigestFinal(&mdctx, hash, &hashlen);
-+    EVP_DigestInit(mdctx, md);
-+    EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, in, inlen);
-+    EVP_DigestFinal(mdctx, hash, &hashlen);
-     /* Fold the result into 64 bits */
-     for (i = OTP_HASH_SIZE; i < hashlen; i++) {
-@@ -149,7 +170,9 @@ static int generate_otp(const sasl_utils
- 			char *secret, char *otp)
- {
-     const EVP_MD *md;
--    char *key;
-+    EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = NULL;
-+    char *key = NULL;
-+    int r = SASL_OK;
-     if (!(md = EVP_get_digestbyname(alg->evp_name))) {
- 	utils->seterror(utils->conn, 0,
-@@ -157,23 +180,32 @@ static int generate_otp(const sasl_utils
- 	return SASL_FAIL;
-     }
-+    if ((mdctx = _plug_EVP_MD_CTX_new(utils)) == NULL) {
-+	SETERROR(utils, "cannot allocate MD CTX");
-+	r = SASL_NOMEM;
-+        goto done;
-+    }
-     if ((key = utils->malloc(strlen(seed) + strlen(secret) + 1)) == NULL) {
- 	SETERROR(utils, "cannot allocate OTP key");
--	return SASL_NOMEM;
-+	r = SASL_NOMEM;
-+        goto done;
-     }
-     /* initial step */
-     strcpy(key, seed);
-     strcat(key, secret);
--    otp_hash(md, key, strlen(key), otp, alg->swab);
-+    otp_hash(md, key, strlen(key), otp, alg->swab, mdctx);
-     /* computation step */
-     while (seq-- > 0)
--	otp_hash(md, otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE, otp, alg->swab);
--    utils->free(key);
-+        otp_hash(md, otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE, otp, alg->swab, mdctx);
-+  done:
-+    if (key) utils->free(key);
-+    if (mdctx) _plug_EVP_MD_CTX_free(mdctx, utils);
--    return SASL_OK;
-+    return r;
- }
- static int parse_challenge(const sasl_utils_t *utils,
-@@ -693,7 +725,8 @@ static int strptrcasecmp(const void *arg
- /* Convert the 6 words into binary data */
- static int word2bin(const sasl_utils_t *utils,
--		    char *words, unsigned char *bin, const EVP_MD *md)
-+		    char *words, unsigned char *bin, const EVP_MD *md,
-+                    EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx)
- {
-     int i, j;
-     char *c, *word, buf[OTP_RESPONSE_MAX+1];
-@@ -752,13 +785,12 @@ static int word2bin(const sasl_utils_t *
- 	/* alternate dictionary */
- 	if (alt_dict) {
--	    EVP_MD_CTX mdctx;
--	    char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
--	    int hashlen;
-+	    unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
-+	    unsigned hashlen;
--	    EVP_DigestInit(&mdctx, md);
--	    EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, word, strlen(word));
--	    EVP_DigestFinal(&mdctx, hash, &hashlen);
-+	    EVP_DigestInit(mdctx, md);
-+	    EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, word, strlen(word));
-+	    EVP_DigestFinal(mdctx, hash, &hashlen);
- 	    /* use lowest 11 bits */
- 	    x = ((hash[hashlen-2] & 0x7) << 8) | hash[hashlen-1];
-@@ -802,6 +834,7 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
- 			   char *response)
- {
-     const EVP_MD *md;
-+    EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = NULL;
-     char *c;
-     int do_init = 0;
-     unsigned char cur_otp[OTP_HASH_SIZE], prev_otp[OTP_HASH_SIZE];
-@@ -815,6 +848,11 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
- 	return SASL_FAIL;
-     }
-+    if ((mdctx = _plug_EVP_MD_CTX_new(utils)) == NULL) {
-+	SETERROR(utils, "cannot allocate MD CTX");
-+	return SASL_NOMEM;
-+    }
-     /* eat leading whitespace */
-     c = response;
-     while (isspace((int) *c)) c++;
-@@ -824,7 +862,7 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
- 	    r = hex2bin(c+strlen(OTP_HEX_TYPE), cur_otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE);
- 	}
- 	else if (!strncasecmp(c, OTP_WORD_TYPE, strlen(OTP_WORD_TYPE))) {
--	    r = word2bin(utils, c+strlen(OTP_WORD_TYPE), cur_otp, md);
-+	    r = word2bin(utils, c+strlen(OTP_WORD_TYPE), cur_otp, md, mdctx);
- 	}
- 	else if (!strncasecmp(c, OTP_INIT_HEX_TYPE,
- 			      strlen(OTP_INIT_HEX_TYPE))) {
-@@ -834,7 +872,7 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
- 	else if (!strncasecmp(c, OTP_INIT_WORD_TYPE,
- 			      strlen(OTP_INIT_WORD_TYPE))) {
- 	    do_init = 1;
--	    r = word2bin(utils, c+strlen(OTP_INIT_WORD_TYPE), cur_otp, md);
-+	    r = word2bin(utils, c+strlen(OTP_INIT_WORD_TYPE), cur_otp, md, mdctx);
- 	}
- 	else {
- 	    SETERROR(utils, "unknown OTP extended response type");
-@@ -843,14 +881,15 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
-     }
-     else {
- 	/* standard response, try word first, and then hex */
--	r = word2bin(utils, c, cur_otp, md);
-+	r = word2bin(utils, c, cur_otp, md, mdctx);
- 	if (r != SASL_OK)
- 	    r = hex2bin(c, cur_otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE);
-     }
-     if (r == SASL_OK) {
- 	/* do one more hash (previous otp) and compare to stored otp */
--	otp_hash(md, cur_otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE, prev_otp, text->alg->swab);
-+	otp_hash(md, (char *) cur_otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE,
-+                 prev_otp, text->alg->swab, mdctx);
- 	if (!memcmp(prev_otp, text->otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE)) {
- 	    /* update the secret with this seq/otp */
-@@ -879,23 +918,28 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
- 		*new_resp++ = '\0';
- 	}
--	if (!(new_chal && new_resp))
--	    return SASL_BADAUTH;
-+	if (!(new_chal && new_resp)) {
-+	    r = SASL_BADAUTH;
-+            goto done;
-+        }
- 	if ((r = parse_challenge(utils, new_chal, &alg, &seq, seed, 1))
- 	    != SASL_OK) {
--	    return r;
-+            goto done;
- 	}
--	if (seq < 1 || !strcasecmp(seed, text->seed))
--	    return SASL_BADAUTH;
-+	if (seq < 1 || !strcasecmp(seed, text->seed)) {
-+	    r = SASL_BADAUTH;
-+            goto done;
-+        }
- 	/* find the MDA */
- 	if (!(md = EVP_get_digestbyname(alg->evp_name))) {
- 	    utils->seterror(utils->conn, 0,
- 			    "OTP algorithm %s is not available",
- 			    alg->evp_name);
--	    return SASL_BADAUTH;
-+	    r = SASL_BADAUTH;
-+            goto done;
- 	}
- 	if (!strncasecmp(c, OTP_INIT_HEX_TYPE, strlen(OTP_INIT_HEX_TYPE))) {
-@@ -903,7 +947,7 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
- 	}
- 	else if (!strncasecmp(c, OTP_INIT_WORD_TYPE,
- 			      strlen(OTP_INIT_WORD_TYPE))) {
--	    r = word2bin(utils, new_resp, new_otp, md);
-+	    r = word2bin(utils, new_resp, new_otp, md, mdctx);
- 	}
- 	if (r == SASL_OK) {
-@@ -914,7 +958,10 @@ static int verify_response(server_contex
- 	    memcpy(text->otp, new_otp, OTP_HASH_SIZE);
- 	}
-     }
-+  done:
-+    if (mdctx) _plug_EVP_MD_CTX_free(mdctx, utils);
-     return r;
- }
-diff -up cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/saslauthd/lak.c.openssl110 cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/saslauthd/lak.c
---- cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/saslauthd/lak.c.openssl110	2016-11-07 16:13:54.347327616 +0100
-+++ cyrus-sasl-2.1.26/saslauthd/lak.c	2016-11-07 16:18:42.283167898 +0100
-@@ -61,6 +61,35 @@
- #include <sasl.h>
- #include "lak.h"
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
-+static EVP_MD_CTX *EVP_MD_CTX_new(void)
-+	return EVP_MD_CTX_create();
-+static void EVP_MD_CTX_free(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)
-+	if (ctx == NULL)
-+		return;
-+	EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(ctx);
-+static EVP_ENCODE_CTX *EVP_ENCODE_CTX_new(void)
-+	EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(*ctx));
-+	if (ctx != NULL) {
-+		memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
-+	}
-+	return ctx;
-+static void EVP_ENCODE_CTX_free(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx)
-+	OPENSSL_free(ctx);
-+	return;
- typedef struct lak_auth_method {
- 	int method;
- 	int (*check) (LAK *lak, const char *user, const char *service, const char *realm, const char *password) ;
-@@ -1720,20 +1749,28 @@ static int lak_base64_decode(
- 	int rc, i, tlen = 0;
- 	char *text;
-+	EVP_ENCODE_CTX *enc_ctx = EVP_ENCODE_CTX_new();
--	text = (char *)malloc(((strlen(src)+3)/4 * 3) + 1);
- 	if (text == NULL)
- 		return LAK_NOMEM;
--	EVP_DecodeInit(&EVP_ctx);
--	rc = EVP_DecodeUpdate(&EVP_ctx, text, &i, (char *)src, strlen(src));
-+	text = (char *)malloc(((strlen(src)+3)/4 * 3) + 1);
-+	if (text == NULL) {
-+		EVP_ENCODE_CTX_free(enc_ctx);
-+		return LAK_NOMEM;
-+	}
-+	EVP_DecodeInit(enc_ctx);
-+	rc = EVP_DecodeUpdate(enc_ctx, (unsigned char *) text, &i, (const unsigned char *)src, strlen(src));
- 	if (rc < 0) {
-+		EVP_ENCODE_CTX_free(enc_ctx);
- 		free(text);
- 		return LAK_FAIL;
- 	}
- 	tlen += i;
--	EVP_DecodeFinal(&EVP_ctx, text, &i); 
-+	EVP_DecodeFinal(enc_ctx, (unsigned char *) text, &i); 
-+	EVP_ENCODE_CTX_free(enc_ctx);
- 	*ret = text;
- 	if (rlen != NULL)
-@@ -1749,7 +1786,7 @@ static int lak_check_hashed(
- {
- 	int rc, clen;
- 	LAK_HASH_ROCK *hrock = (LAK_HASH_ROCK *) rock;
--	EVP_MD_CTX mdctx;
-+	EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx;
- 	const EVP_MD *md;
- 	unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
- 	char *cred;
-@@ -1758,17 +1795,24 @@ static int lak_check_hashed(
- 	if (!md)
- 		return LAK_FAIL;
-+	mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
-+	if (!mdctx)
-+		return LAK_NOMEM;
- 	rc = lak_base64_decode(hash, &cred, &clen);
--	if (rc != LAK_OK)
-+	if (rc != LAK_OK) {
-+		EVP_MD_CTX_free(mdctx);
- 		return rc;
-+	}
--	EVP_DigestInit(&mdctx, md);
--	EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, passwd, strlen(passwd));
-+	EVP_DigestInit(mdctx, md);
-+	EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, passwd, strlen(passwd));
- 	if (hrock->salted) {
--		EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, &cred[EVP_MD_size(md)],
-+		EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, &cred[EVP_MD_size(md)],
- 				 clen - EVP_MD_size(md));
- 	}
--	EVP_DigestFinal(&mdctx, digest, NULL);
-+	EVP_DigestFinal(mdctx, digest, NULL);
-+	EVP_MD_CTX_free(mdctx);
- 	rc = memcmp((char *)cred, (char *)digest, EVP_MD_size(md));
- 	free(cred);
diff --git a/main/cyrus-sasl/saslauthd.initd b/main/cyrus-sasl/saslauthd.initd
index 2707f533d6e6..728577004016 100644
--- a/main/cyrus-sasl/saslauthd.initd
+++ b/main/cyrus-sasl/saslauthd.initd
@@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/cyrus-sasl/files/saslauthd2.rc6,v 1.7 2007/04/07 13:03:55 chtekk Exp $
+command_args=${SASLAUTHD_OPTS:--a sasldb}
 depend() {
 	need net
 	after firewall
-start() {
-	ebegin "Starting saslauthd"
-	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/saslauthd \
-	eend $?
-stop() {
-	ebegin "Stopping saslauthd"
-	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/saslauthd/
-	eend $?
+start_pre() {
+	checkpath --directory --mode 0775 /run/saslauthd