Failed to add a package if there is too much dependencies
When a package has too much dependencies (in my example >=755), apk add
fails with a non explicit error message.
This can be reproduced with docker like this:
- Create an APKBUILD and put it in it dedicated folder (test-f)
- Docker command
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/workdir" -w /workdir alpine:3.12 /bin/sh
- Generation and triggering of the bug
apk add abuild
abuild-keygen -a -n -q
( cd test-f/ && abuild -Fr )
apk add darkhttpd
darkhttpd /root/packages &
apk info --allow-untrusted -X --repositories-file /dev/null test-f
apk update --allow-untrusted -X --repositories-file /dev/null test-f
apk add --allow-untrusted -X --repositories-file /dev/null test-f
This is triggering this message :
/workdir/test-f # apk add --allow-untrusted -X --repositories-file /dev/null test-f
ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
test (missing):
required by: test-f-1.0-r0[test]
Edited by Thibault Ferrante