About making apk reliable and deterministic
Reaching out because this is a recurring problem, e.g. https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/4823
People even blogged about it: https://medium.com/@stschindler/the-problem-with-docker-and-alpines-package-pinning-18346593e891
In our case, we started using the edge branch and once it failed we thought it was normal, so we switched to a pinned version… it worked… until Friday afternoon.
This is the command:
And here’s the error (Friday, Oct. 18th):
The thing is that right now apk is unreliable and non deterministic because old packages are being deleted.
So the question is: there’s any official mirror where we can find all the packages, including the old ones? Or they will be deleted anyways?
Thanks for your time and support!